For Dad

Tomorrow morning I get on an airplane to fly to Florida. Unfortunately, the event is my father’s funeral. He fought a brave battle with cancer for seven years. And this was his second go around with this hideous disease.

My dad was a true fighter, and a soldier at heart. He served his country faithfully in the army in Vietnam and continued through the years in service with the Florida National Guard as an instructor, then later on served as a Master Sergeant in the Army Reserves.

What many don’t know is that my dad didn’t “acquire” his family until I was eleven years old. I knew he was father material from the start though and didn’t waste time asking him to fill that roll. I’ll never forget asking at the wedding if I could call him Dad now.

He was Dad from that day on. Later he became Papa to my girls. He filled that roll well, too. For a time there he and my youngest daughter became cancer buddies, as she called it. They shared a bond through a shared disease. (The picture is the two of them together last fall.)

He was the first example of a person of faith to come into my life. I remember him reading his Bible every night. When he was re-diagnosed, his main concern was that his faith stay strong, and in his last days, his main concern was his family.

I’m so thankful that God brought this dear man into our lives. James Marco will be dearly missed, but my greatest comfort is in knowing he’s most likely having a conversation with Jesus, getting answers to those questions he’s been accumulating about the Bible.

And I’ll see him again one day.
Praying and believing,

14 thoughts on “For Dad

  1. Mystiqua

    I will be praying for you and your family…May God bless and keep you strong in the midst of the hurt. In Jesus name, Amen

  2. Loren

    Praying for you and your family! I lost my Daddy to this hideous disease in Dec. Lifting you to the ONE who can comfort all your pain and sadnessz today!

  3. Iris

    So sorry to read about your dad’s death. Thank you so much for sharing your memories with all of us.

    Have a safe trip…(((hugs)))

  4. Karen

    I am truly sorry for your family’s great loss…praying you will be comforted by precious memories and the anticipation of a heavenly reunion….

  5. Jeannie

    Thoughts are with you as you pay your last goodbyes to a man to whom the Lord placed in your life for a reason and a season… I think its wonderful that this man made such a impact on you in a godly way… Blessings

  6. LynnLynn

    Oh Dineen,

    What a beautiful tribute to your Dad. He is with Jesus now,healed and whole. I look forward to meeting him some day in heaven. Neat.

    Praying for you as you leave for Florida. If you need me, call from there and we will pray together. Hugging you.

  7. Debbie

    Dineen, I’m so sorry to read this news about your dad. However, I’m glad to know that he is in heaven with Jesus. Fighting cancer can take its toll on our human bodies.

    This was a beautifully written tribute to him.

    I’m thinking of you and praying for you as you make this journey to Florida.


  8. Dineen

    Thank you, Ladies! Thank you for your prayers and love, and thank you for letting me share a little about my dad with you. Hugs!

  9. JoanJoan

    My heart goes out to you and your family. I am sorry for your loss. But what an encouragement that your Dad is with his heavenly Father! Thank you for sharing the blessing your Dad has been to you throughout your life.

    Living for Him, Joan

  10. Angie

    Dineen, I was so sorry to read of your dad’s passing–but so very thankful for what you had with him…that is a true gift from heaven! God is faithful to hold our hurting hearts close to His and speak peace into our turbulent emotions.

    I will keep you in my prayers!
    Much love–and hugs. If you were in my part of Florida–I would have tried to hug you in person!

  11. LindaLinda

    I’m so sorry Dineen – knowing how much you will miss that dear man. He has left a wonderful legacy. It is such a blessing to have that hope – that knowing that some day you will be together again.