Daily He Provides

“Wouldn’t it be great if we woke up one day to find that all of our debts were paid and we had a daily allowance to live on?” I asked my brother recently.   

I’m reading through the Old Testament and had recently finished reading about Jehoiachin King of Judah who was released from exile after thirty seven years.  I was sharing some of what I had read with one of my brothers.  His answer gave me much to think about.  He replied that in his opinion we already have that on any given day.   

Our needs are met but we decide that we “need” more.  We have food in the cupboard but it isn’t what we want to eat so we say we have no food.  We have clothes to wear, a car to drive and a home to live in but sometimes our eyes are on “something better.”  It isn’t enough for us that we have sufficient to survive on a daily basis because often our eyes are on having a little more. 

As I later reflected on what he said I once again read the verses related to Jehoiachin’s release from exile. 

 29 So Jehoiachin put aside his prison clothes and for the rest of his life ate regularly at the king’s table. 30 Day by day the king gave Jehoiachin a regular allowance as long as he lived. 2 Kings 25:29-30

 It didn’t say that Jehoiachin lived extravagantly, or that the King gave him a huge sum of money.  In fact his lifestyle then probably couldn’t even compare to when he himself was king.  What the scripture said was that he had food to eat and a regular allowance for as long as he lived.  I’m sure Jehoiachin was grateful that he was no longer in exile and that God provided for him on a daily basis.  I hope if for one moment he forgot his time in exile or felt ungrateful he had someone who reminded him of God’s provision the way my brother did me. 

Father help me to continue to trust you on a daily basis, to not be so concerned about what I consider ‘tomorrow’s needs’ that I don’t take the time to acknowledge and thank you for the fact the each day you provide for me exactly what I need for that day.

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10 thoughts on “Daily He Provides

  1. Noreen

    Bernadine, What a great post and timely for me as well. We’ve had little “bumps” in the road financially the last couple of months and it was a timely reminder to have a gratefull heart regardless of what things look like. Blessings, Noreen

  2. Amy

    oooh this is good! I love reading about this man in the bible, he always reminds me that that daily allowance is all we need.

  3. Heather CHeatherC

    This was a great devotional – I love the thought that God gives us just what we need, but not always what we want. He takes care of our daily allowance.

  4. Joan

    Lovely reminder for us all. Thank you and God bless.

    “Praise the Lord…
    who satisfies your desires
    with good things”
    Psalm 103

  5. Shoua

    Wonderful! Thank you for reminding us of such a powerful story. God is good. He is the great I AM. No matter the strength of the current we’re struggling with, He is there. And He promises not to let them sweep over us. Praise Him!

  6. DanaDana

    Wow, this was great! I do the same thing and needed to be reminded, especially lately as I struggle w/ contement. My needs are met and I need to trust God and stop whining.

  7. Dani

    thanks for this post. it was encouraging for me. it’s so good to be reminded that He will provide and if He doesn’t…i don’t need it!

  8. LynnLynn


    I sure have missed you. This is a wonderful devotional. Well written and I want to just hug your brother. Hug him for me.

    I find as I grow older, I am “over all the stuff.” It truly is freeing to rely on the Lord and stop craving the “stuff” of this world.

    Well done my sister, Love you.