Can Delayed Answer to Prayer Actually Be Considered Vacation Time?

Sometimes I just need a vacation – a vacation from my problems as “Bob Wiley” in the movie “What About Bob?” said. Life can be stressful, and getting away to a different place can be just what I need. However, if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, I can never avoid my problems – basically because most of the time I’m the problem or my view/perspective is the problem.

If my goal in life is to avoid problems, it’s going to affect my view of God—like He’s a genie in a bottle ready to meet my every need.

The theme of the past few years of my life, the life of many I know and love, and the theme of many of my posts here have been this truth—

God doesn’t wrap us up in some kind of cocoon to protect us from every problem. Rather, He uses problems and pressures of life to conform us into the image of Christ. He doesn’t come in waving His magic wand and fix the problem, He uses the problems to “fix” US. Perhaps one reason God delays His answers to our prayers is because He knows we need to be with Him far more than we need the things we ask of Him.

I’ve been feeling for some time now that God just isn’t answering a specific request I keep talking to Him about. I finally mustered up the courage to just flat out ask Him why He hasn’t answered yet. Here’s the response I got.

When you pray; come to Me with the knowledge that you are standing before Me in complete oneness with Me.

Let your cleansing be complete and your mind clear of obstacles.

This is a holy experience, and it will expand to include your entire being.

You are not merely reciting prayers, nor are you saying empty words.

When you are intimately sensitive to My closeness, your soul is awakened.

This divinely appointed state of being does not remove you from this world so you can make your home in the clouds – no, rather your entire being is made alive and aware of the world around you. You see its beauties as never before.

You see My face in the affection of your loved ones, and you long to give even more to them to make their lives richer, better.

Prayer is not just a thing you do, because My Spirit prays within you constantly.
Spirit reveals My presence in all things.

I created you and you are loved by Me,
and in loving Me back you are what you were made to be.

I am the Vine and you are My branch.

In prayer you breathe in My breath, you are alive with My life,
and there is no prayer that will go unanswered.

(Paraphrase created after reading Isaiah 65:24Matthew 21:22Hebrews 4:16Jeremiah 33:31 Thessalonians 5:17John 14:23; John 15)

Thank You, Lord, for what You are teaching me about our time together. More and more I’m realizing my time alone with You IS my vacation from my problems and no prayer ever goes unanswered. Amen.


POSTSCRIPT: I would like to share this Prayer Inspiration video with you all. It’s well worth the two minutes.

One thought on “Can Delayed Answer to Prayer Actually Be Considered Vacation Time?

  1. Iris Nelson

    You are right, Marsha; God did not promise a life free of problems. And I know that I sometimes don’t wait for His answers, but keep trying to fix my problems.