Does God Speak Today?

Some would say it’s a bold idea, others would whisper that ‘hearing the voice of God’ is at best presumptuous and at worst dangerous. Does God speak to, lead and guide ordinary people today? Many sincere followers of Christ find themselves in a quandary over this question. And the confusion we feel may seriously hinder the closeness of the relationship we enjoy with God.

There have been times in my life when I felt I was clearly and audibly hearing the voice of God. Other times it’s gentle whispers or silence – I don’t hear His voice at all.

Does the silence mean He’s not present or too busy for me? No. His word faithfully proclaims He will NEVER leave me nor forsake me. (Hebrews 13:5) I am never alone, not even in the darkest of hours.

If I don’t hear God’s voice, can I still trust Him? A resounding YES! King David exemplified trust in his relationship with the Lord regardless of whether or not he “felt” his presence. (Psalm 42:8,9,11)

Those dark times of not hearing His voice are necessary for my growth. The cold barrenness of winter allows for a time of pruning and trimming the unfruitful branches of my life. This makes my fruitful branches produce more fruit in later seasons.

A period of darkness is necessary for our bodies to rejuvenate every 24 hours. Periods of darkness in our spiritual life also have the promise of renewal. (1 John 3:2,3)

Sometimes I can’t hear God’s voice because, well, to be perfectly honest, He’s not saying what I want to hear! That’s when I need to pull back, examine my life and see if there is sin interfering in my ability to hear from God. (Psalm 46:10; Psalm 139:23,24)

How can I hear from God? How can I know what I’m hearing is from God? Time spent in the Word will always be profitable.

“The Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

His Word is alive and activeHe desires a relationship with me through His Word and through the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ. His Word will help me to discern whether or not what I’m hearing is from Him or not. He will never “speak to me” words that are contrary to His written Word.

Ask yourself if you’re too busy to hear His voice. Is there too much noise in your life to hear Him? If you have children, (a big source of noise) of course you can’t remove them from your life, you wouldn’t want to, (well okay, maybe for a day) but what about other exterior noises (electronics).  What can you unplug? What can you do without so you have time for Him? Then, press in close and listen for His voice. He’s calling out your name.

It’s time to Stop. Look. Listen. 

DSCN3270God is ever present, not just when we want to strike up a conversation with Him. He’s wanting to say something to you. He speaks to us in the simplest of ways. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear His message to you.

Lord, I thank You for speaking to me. I wait in silence, and yet I also actively pursue You by being in Your Word. I love You.


8 thoughts on “Does God Speak Today?

  1. Iris

    So true, Marsha. We often are too busy to hear His voice. We are plugged in to the world and don’t feel His presence. Thank you for the reminder to unplug from the noise.

    1. Marsha Harwood

      Unplugging can be like withdrawing from an addiction, but it’s so necessary. Life is just too noisy.
      Thanks for all you do for us at LWG my friend.

  2. saleslady371

    I love the topic you chose and these verses. I will always pray to hear His voice. He leads in so many different ways. Even in the midst of a busy afternoon, if I recognize the prompting I drop it all and sit with Jesus. Ah, peace!

    1. Marsha Harwood

      Great practice, Mary! To be able to stop and pray as the Lord leads is what 1 Thessalonians 5:17 means when it says to pray without ceasing….just riding in the car with someone and knowing the lines of communication are open whenever we want to communicate. Have a blessed week, my friend!

  3. Marsha Harwood

    Thank you, Bethany! It’s always good to remind one another to stop, look, and listen. Life is just too hectic. Love you, sweet friend!