Don’t Get Bullied

“My companion stretched out his hand against his friends; he violated his covenant. His speech was smooth as butter, yet war was in his heart; his words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords.”
~ Psalm 55:20-21 (ESV)

Have you ever been bullied by someone? Not anyone, but by another believer in Christ?
It happened once again to me at the beginning of this week. I don’t want to go into detail with this one, but want to share another time with you.

Several years ago, a friend of mine and I decided we wanted to go through the ‘40-day-Journey’ of Purpose Driven Life by Pastor Rick Warren (this study was not offered at my church at the time)…

Some pastors in our denomination where against that anyone within our church body would make this journey–it did not ‘align’ with our doctrine. In some cases they called Pastor Warren even a heretic. I was saddened by the fact that other Christians would just slander someone without searching His Spirit and His Word. Was it envy? I don’t know, I can not make that judgment, only God will know their hearts…

Well, the rebel that I am, I didn’t listen to anyone about this study. I wasn’t going to shut my heart because Pastor Warren is not one of ‘us’. He is a follower of Christ. I read the book, went through the journey with my friend. And guess what; it blessed our socks of.

As I had mentioned couple weeks ago, we need to be careful of what we read, what we listen to, but we should not let others bully us into their own thinking—their ways. We are His, His alone. His Spirit will help us to discern what is good, what is bad…Sweet sisters; follow your heart, because His Spirit dwells within you. Don’t let others bully you…

“Lord of Heaven and Earth. You are the Author and Perfecter of our faith. Lord, continue to guide us with Your Spirit so we may discern what aligns with Your Word. In the precious name of Jesus ~ Amen.

Blessings on your day and as always…

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12 thoughts on “Don’t Get Bullied

  1. lori@allyouhavetogive

    ah yes, discernment…if we would only LISTEN MORE to that small still voice..perhaps we would be led to learn more, disciple more and tolerate more…words today to take to heart…thank you

  2. Dana

    Oh my – the same thing happened to me just this week. I so needed to read this today as I needed the reminder. My problem is trying not to be angry about the situation and let go of it – being bullied and wanting to fight back 🙂
    Thanks again!!

  3. Bernadine

    How sad that we actually have Christian Bullies. However, thank you for the reminder that we have His Holy Spirit that allows us to discern what is good.

  4. Angie

    You are so right! Thankfully you were obedient to the Lord….and He rewarded your “seeking heart”. I loved this!
    Be blessed—

  5. Sharon

    Gone are the days when we have to only depend on the Holy Spirit in someone else.
    I think some forget that Jesus returned to heaven so that we could all have a teacher and comforter.
    And I might add taht just because I am a female does not mean that I am incapable of hearign the voice of God for myself.
    I am thankful for my pastor, but if I am to go further in my relationship with God I must learn to trust the Spirit.
    God calls His body to unity–we must move forward in that area or Jesus’ pray will never be answered with a YES an AMEN.
    Thank you for your heart!

  6. LynnLynn


    I see this happen far too often. Other who are arrogant or judgmental shame other Christians instead of helping. Happens way to frequent to women in unequally yoked marriages.

    Great post!

  7. e-Mom

    Praise God you followed the Spirit, not man. We all have our pet doctrines (lol, see my latest post!), but ultimately, we are accountable to the teachings of Scripture. I cling to the Word, and I know you do too. Amen!

  8. Terri @ in His hands

    I’m so glad you shed light on this! I’ve seen a lot of this, mostly online but also on some Christian radio programs.

    Great post!

  9. Debbie

    I totally agree with you that we cannot allow others to sway our opinion when it comes to the things of God. As we read our Bibles and pray God will convict our hearts if we are involved in anything that will hinder our relationship with Christ. Great word!

    Blessings to you.