Don’t Judge a Book by it’s Cover

We have all heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” In other words, at first glance, what you see on the outside may not be what is on the inside.

As Pastors, we have been scrutinized in the past for types of people that we have taken in under our wing. The hard shelled, unapproachable, one decision away from eternity or hell kind of people. We all know someone like that, you may even be sitting next to one.

I recall one young man whom we befriended and tried to mentor. He wasn’t exactly the typical “church” guy, but under that tough guy steel, we saw a gentle soul. We saw kindness, potential and a good heart. Perhaps we saw a young man that Jesus saw. But others in our body didn’t see what we saw, they only saw what appeared on the outside and we received some resistance for our relationship with this young man.

I wonder now that some years have passed and that young man now has grown into an adult, one who is hard working and faithful not only to his family but to God; I wonder if those who judged his cover now see what we and God saw all along on the inside?

1 Samuel 16:7 says: “The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

God instructed Samuel that He had someone lined up to be the next king, one of the sons of Jesse. So Jesse brought to Samuel seven of his sons to be considered. They were strong, handsome and king material in Samuel’s eyes. But of these seven, God did not choose one.

“Do you have any other sons?” Samuel asked Jesse. Jesse told him he had one other, his youngest son. Surely, a young boy could not be king?  But the Lord said to Samuel, “This is the one, anoint Him.” So Samuel did as he was instructed and anointed a young boy named David to be king over Israel.

God was basically telling Samuel “do not judge a book by its cover”. God doesn’t just see our good looks, our fine clothes, or what side of the tracks we come from. God looks past that and sees our heart. Not only does He see the present state of our heart but He sees the potential state of our heart after He cleans it up.

May we all recognize that the good stuff is what is inside, the cover is just simply that…a cover. I pray that we all can see the potential in people that God sees.


@copyright2018 laurieadams


2 thoughts on “Don’t Judge a Book by it’s Cover

  1. Iris Nelson

    Such a powerful message, Laurie. You are right, we should not judge people because of their background or appearance. I am thankful that you and your husband looked past the ‘cover’.