Don’t Jump to Conclusions

It is so easy to make judgement calls about events or even people without having all of the facts. I was reminded of the problem with jumping to the wrong conclusions this past weekend when my husband came home from his breakfast meeting with one of our bonus daughters. Once a month, they meet, just the two of them to spend time together and to discuss the Bible. She is wanting to learn more about the Bible and enjoys the one on one teaching and advice that she gets from my husband.

While the two of them were at a local restaurant, having their discussion over breakfast, a gentleman who knows my husband, stopped at the table to speak a few words. In those brief few moments, the gentleman spoke to my husband but had his eye on the young lady sitting at the table with my husband. He didn’t ask who she was, but one thing he knew, she was not me!

As the gentleman made his way back to his table to his friend waiting for him, my husband told our bonus daughter that he’d love to hear how the gentleman was going to explain to his friend who that lady was sitting with the Pastor!

I can imagine that all of us have been tempted to make the “obvious” conclusion about something or even someone, only to find out that we really didn’t have all of the facts. This can not only be embarrassing, but detrimental to the reputation of someone if we act upon our wrong assumptions.

I wonder sometimes if God laughs at our miscalculations and misconceptions? What we may think is so obvious is quite the opposite to Him; it is an opportunity to show us His power. This is evident throughout the Bible:

How about the young boy, who was only armed with a stone and a sling? Those around him, including his family, said he was too young and only a boy but God saw it differently; God knew the facts, He knew David would slay that giant.

How about the young Jewish orphan girl who came to be in the midst of all the lovely candidates for the king to choose for his wife. No one could believe that Esther could be a queen, but God had all of the facts He needed, He knew what her destiny was to be.

Having the facts before coming to a conclusion is very important. If you see something or someone that seems out of the ordinary, keep in mind that you may not know everything about the situation. Before you mark someone as a threat or someone with flawed character, get all of the facts first.

“Don’t jump to conclusions-there May be a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw,” (Proverbs 25:8 MSG)

Above all else, keep in mind that when God gets involved, He already has all of the facts and anything can happen with Him.


@copyright2019 laurieadams

*for more of my devotions, follow my devotion page on Facebook; womentakingastand.


2 thoughts on “Don’t Jump to Conclusions

  1. Iris Nelson

    You are so right, Laurie; we too often jump to conclusions before we have all the facts. I try to get all the facts before making a judgement about someone or a situation.