A Hug in a Rainbow

Lake City Event 007A few weeks ago I was driving home and my mind was on the many things I needed to get done before I could leave for His speaking engagement.  I said it that way on purpose.  It is not mine.  I am not a speaker, but a writer.  There are days though, when I wonder if I’m even that.

I was, for the umpteenth time, asking the LORD if He was certain He’d made a wise decision in asking me.  I was praying for the ladies that I was to share my heart with, I was praying for His direction and for the women I had heard from just that very day that had an urgent need, and to sum it up, I was just praying. And crying.  With me, that sort of goes together.  It was sprinkling rain and the skies had gone from blue to gray to blue.  Scattered with clouds, they resembled the way my heart  had began to lose some of the anticipatory joy that I had had earlier in the week. 

Lost in my own thoughts, and driving through the misty eyes and rainy skies, I glanced over to my left, across the four-lane road, and saw the most spectacularly colored rainbow.  Not the normal rainbow.  This one had colors that I’ve never seen in a rainbow! So vivid!

This picture that I took while driving, does not do it justice! Just as I put my camera back in my lap and was exclaiming to my Father how incredible His artwork was, my phone rang.  My baby sister, Aimee called to talk with me on the way home from work.  I shared with her the rainbow story.  How my heavy heart was just turned over with joy at the hug I just felt from the LORD. 

As I continued to drive, I continued to watch the rainbow, telling her that I had only seen either one end or the other of a rainbow, but never the full picture.  I even went so far as the tell her “I sure would be tickled if God decided to show me the whole thing!”  We laughed and I felt better as I drove on toward home.  As we ended the call, I made my way to the turn lane to turn onto another road carrying my busy self home, and I glanced out the window just before the tree line blocked my view.  I saw-the-other-end-of-the-rainbow!Lake City Event 005

Tears of joy instantly sprang to my eyes! I cried out with delight at the beautiful sight and imagined what this might look like from the heavens.  That rainbow was my precious Father, extending to me, His darling child, His great love.  Showing me that He hears every heart’s desire.  Even those that are rarely spoken outloud.

I thought of Noah and what the rainbow meant to him, but even more, what my voice meant to God. (Genesis 9:12-17)  He loves to surprise us with His sweetest blessings!  So often we are so caught up with the dailyness of life that we overlook the gift. 

Suppose I had been in such concentration over the details of the coming weekend and week? 

Suppose I had stayed in the shell of my problems? 

I suppose I would have missed the most beautiful rainbow this side of heaven.  There is one even more spectacular!  (Revelation 4:3)

Take time this week to look around you.   When all you see are problems ahead, try shifting your focus.  See the colors in the sky, in the ever changing leaves.  Whether it is in the sunsets, or sunrises, or leaves that fall to the ground, He planned those beautiful sights with you in mind!  He wants to knock your socks off with His glory!

When you see it (for I know you will if you look), send Him up some heavenly applause!  As Beth Moore has stated, “He is just liable to come out for an encore!”
Trusting Him,
gift from Denise

9 thoughts on “A Hug in a Rainbow

  1. eph2810

    Amen, sweet Angie…(my ‘spam-word’ is LOVE…hehe)…I can’t agree with you more. We often get to ‘lost’ in our daily lives that we miss the sweet, precious gifts of our heavenly Father. I have learned to look more often up than down 🙂

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us today…

  2. Kathy C.

    Angie, that was a beautiful post. I felt like I was driving along with you. Rainbows never cease to amaze me, and I take photos of them too, knowing full well I can never capture what I see with my naked eye – they are the breathtaking promise of our amazing God! 🙂

  3. Marsha

    I’m really weepy today, and this has just pushed me over the top. I need a rainbow today. I’m definitely going to look for my God sighting of the day.

    You are loved my precious friend! 31 days and counting!

  4. LynnLynn

    Oh Angie,

    I was just praying. And crying. With me, that sort of goes together. Girl, I absolutely love you because of this.

    This devotion was written for me. I thank you my friend. You are the rainbow in my Monday. I’m sending one now on to Dineen who really needs one. Hugs. Have a great week. I love you.

  5. Karen

    Amen….I need to remember to “shift my focus” on this rainy Monday…Lord have mercy, if our vehicles could talk…all the things we have shared in them….beautiful post!