Drama Queen

I don’t know why it is; but for some reason when things are going poorly in my life, I exaggerate and imagine the very worst. If it’s been a rough day, then it’s been a horrible, terrible, excruciating day and I’m to be pitied above all humanity. If someone said a terse word at me, then suddenly I’m persecuted or if I strained a muscle, then my body is falling apart. Even genuine problems get headline status: Everyone must know that my life stinks right now. And even if God has brought me this far, I’m not sure if I will make it through this present trial (read: God might not save me this time).

On the other hand, if I’m posting on facebook, then a good day was AMAZING! Miracles occurred and my life was transformed all because I saw a butterfly this morning. The flavors of my breakfast were bursting and life has never been better.

Because, you see, life is only interesting if we’re talking about the lowest of valleys or the highest of mountain peaks. Life on the plains isn’t anything worth sharing! Drama is much more interesting. I guess I have to admit to being a bit of a drama queen at times. I’m sure you can’t relate AT ALL. 😉

Imagine my surprise at finding a bona fide drama queen smack dab in the middle of the Old Testament. One of my favorite characters, as a matter of fact: Elijah the prophet. Yeah, he’s the prophet who made the widow’s oil and flour last until the famine was over and he’s the one who prayed over the widow’s dead son to see him come back to life. Elijah’s the same one who confronted the prophets of Baal and REALLY saw God come through (burning up a soaking wet altar)! You would think after such a triumphant moment, that Elijah’s faith could never waver again. I mean, I never saw God throw down a burning fire from heaven….But, Elijah’s bipolar personality comes out pretty clear when he tells God that he (Elijah) is the ONLY prophet of God left. All the others have been destroyed by persecution and now he will be too-and just like that, Elijah plummets from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows.

I always thought Elijah really was the only prophet left and I felt a little sorry for him. I mean, no one wants to be running for his life in isolated terror. But, then, then…I read 1 Kings 18 where Elijah goes to Obadiah (a man in charge of the king’s palace) and he hears that Obadiah had hidden away 100 prophets of the Lord. And Elijah didn’t whine to the Lord about being the ONLY ONE until AFTER(!) he had talked with Obadiah. So, he knew God had spared 100 other prophets and he knew he really wasn’t alone at all.

You think that might have been a little bit of drama? Yeah, drama usually involves some exaggeration, a little bit of untruth and completely letting anxiety and worry take control.

But the best part of Elijah’s story is how God shows up. Well, let’s be honest, He was there all along. Elijah didn’t conquer the prophets of Baal alone or heal the widow’s son on his own. But Elijah is waiting in a dark cave for God to take him from his pit of despair back to the heights of delight.

God doesn’t submit to Elijah’s need for drama. Yeah, He’s big enough to destroy a city with a blast from heaven, but that’s not really the way He works. God wasn’t in the wind. God’s powerful enough to wipe out a mountain, but He wasn’t in the earthquake. God doesn’t need a dramatic entrance, because remember, He’s been here all along. He could have rode in on a flame of fire from heaven, but He doesn’t need all that drama.

God showed up in a gentle whisper. His point was clear: I’m not only in the mountaintops or the pits of despair. I’m always here. I never left you.


Are you in pit of despair? Real or imagined? Praise God He’s never left your side and let me know if I can pray for you today.


One thought on “Drama Queen

  1. Iris

    Powerful message, Heather. You are right; when things don’t go our way, we tend to exaggerate our current state and think that everyone is against us. Even though we may feel alone, we are not. God is always there!