Along The Dusty Road

In an effort to get back in shape, my husband and I have been hiking several days a week. Besides the benefit to our health, we have found this to be a truly enjoyable experience. While walking the trails of Northern California, we have been praising God for the beautiful creation He has so masterfully crafted. Last Sunday, we went for a great hike in a State Park near our home. It was a clear fall day with perfect temperatures for climbing the hills. About an hour into our trek, we decided (for no particular reason) to head down (or should I say up?) a more narrow, dusty trail. It was rather rocky and pretty steep, but we were up for the challenge. As we rounded a corner we spotted an old tree that had bandanas and ribbons tied to it. We got closer to investigate and found a hand written sign encouraging people to leave mementos on or near the tree to encourage fellow hikers. There were the typical things: buttons, bottle caps, bandanas, soda cans…and even a Santana record cover from way back. But, as I was poking around, I found something that truly stirred my heart. I found a Bible. It was neatly tucked beneath a rock, protected inside a zip-locked plastic bag. Curiosity overtook me and I just HAD to open it. When I did, I found that there was also a journal, a pen, and many notes tucked inside.

It made me think of another discovery made two thousand years ago by two other unsuspecting travelers along a dusty road. It was a day of great sorrow and confusion. Jesus had been crucified and laid to rest in the tomb, but on this morning, the tomb was empty, leaving those who loved Him to feel lost and alone.

“Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus Himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing Him” (Luke 24:13-16). 

The two men didn’t expect to encounter Jesus that day. Their faith had been shaken. But, imagine their surprise and joy when Jesus opened their eyes and revealed Himself to them!

“When He was at the table with them, He took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him…” (Luke 24:30-31). 

I was filled with emotion to find the Bible, God’s Holy Word, along the trail. And when I read the notes and discovered the things that the note writers shared, I was amazed. There, out in the middle of nowhere, when I least expected it, I encountered Him. I read of people’s struggles being overcome and lives being changed when they turned them over to our Savior. Oh what joy it is when our eyes are opened and we recognize the Lord!

It felt as if this special discovery beneath the rock was just for us, and in that moment, it was. But, I know there will be many future hikers who meet Jesus along the dusty road.

With opened eyes,





3 thoughts on “Along The Dusty Road

  1. Iris

    What a neat encounter along the trail, Joan. Did you leave a note too?

    It is so true; when we least except to encounter God He is right behind the bend of the road to encourage us.

    Thank you for sharing.

  2. JoanJoan

    Hi Iris!

    Yes, we left a note and also took a few moments to pray for all those who had already visited that place and for those future hikers who needed a fresh encounter with the Lord. I think that God loves to surprise us like He did on that day! It was such a blessing!

    In Him, Joan