Ears to Hear

The chapter for today, posted on a friend’s blog, was Exodus 6.  I don’t know how many times I’ve read this passage of scripture about Moses and the Children of Israel, but I know it’s been a few.  This time a verse jumped out at me that I had never really thought significant before.  It is verse 9:

“So Moses told the people of Israel what the Lord had said, but they refused to listen any more.  They had become too discouraged by the brutaility of their slavery.”  (NLT)

Moses had come to tell them that the Lord was going to free them from oppression and slavery – that He was going to rescue them.  It was what they had been praying for their entire lives, but they were too discouraged to listen.  They had listened to Moses once before and the brutality had only gotten worse.  Now they were having none of it.  They would just continue as they were – slaves to brutal masters.

Those words took my breath away.  I find it is all too easy to judge the Children of Israel rather harshly.  After all, they seemed to do everything wrong.  However, when I look at them honestly, I see reflections of my own life far too often.  Haven’t there been times in my life when I have been so discouraged I haven’t wanted to pray or read His word.  Like the Children of Israel, I didn’t want to listen.

We have a Father who doesn’t give up on us easily.  We know the story.  Eventually, the Children of Israel were brough safely to the Promised Land, but they really had to go the long way around.  I don’t want to follow that example.  I want to learn to listen so that He can do the work in my life He so desires to do.  I want to be faithful through the difficult times and wait while He accomplishes His will in my life.  Things may not go the way I had planned, but I can know that He has a better plan.

Little did the Children of Israel know while they were suffering under the task-master’s whip, that a land flowing with milk and honey awaited them.  I cannot imagine the blessings the Father has in store as I walk through difficult times, but I can know that they will be good.  My part is to keep listening; to draw close to Him in prayer and His word; to wait for His perfect timing.

Over two thousand years ago, the silence of four hundred years was broken by a baby’s cry.  Only those with ears to hear heard.  Thirty years later that same baby, now a grown man, spoke the message of love and redemption, and once again, only those with ears to hear heard the glorious good news.  Oh Father, give us ears to hear.

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him,  and will dine with him and he with Me.”           Rev. 3:20 (NAS)

In His Love,


7 thoughts on “Ears to Hear

  1. BlessedMa24

    I have never seen it before, but reading your post… it seems that Israel is God’s prodigal son… wow, that takes on new meaning in so many ways. I don’t know if I can read Old Testament stories the same any more knowing that.

    Beautiful insight, God give me ears to hear.