Enter: Flesh Woman

See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled; Hebrews 12:15 ESV

The day started off fairly well and I was good. I was ready to conquer the day after spending time alone with God studying. One by one my children made their way from the bedroom to begin the day. As the three children sat at the table eating their chocolate chip Eggo waffles, I stopped at my computer to check email. I am the publisher of our home school group’s newsletter and I had not checked that particular email in a few days.

In that bunch of “You’ve won the UK Lottery” emails was one that from a mom who was having trouble with her newsletter. This email was less than complimentary on my ability to write, publish and email a newsletter. Enter: FLESH WOMAN!
I quickly allowed myself to become furious. The thoughts of that email consumed my entire day. I drafted several nasty replies but thank God I never hit the send button. That surely would have been my demise as a board member and newsletter publisher. I allowed my pride to take over. Instead of looking at a mom who is frustrated with not being able to open the file, I saw her email as an attack on me. I became consumed with this mom knowing that I have the skills and abilities to publish a newsletter.

I started off doing so well but before I knew it a bitter heart had overtaken my day. My every thought was trying desperately to cling to a root that appeared to be well on its way to fertile establishment. I so wanted to forget all the forgiveness verses in the Bible and cultivate this bitter root and grow bitterness! That bitter attitude was deep involved in pride and a forgiving heart simply wasn’t on my agenda that day.

After mulling a few days over this email, I finally began to listen to God’s directive on forgiveness. I was in a ladies Bible study class doing a book (Joanna Weaver’s “Having a Mary Spirit”) and that week’s chapter just happened to be on bitterness. I had already read the chapter but as we sat in class discussing it, I finally listened to what it said. I loved her advice – making the choice to give radical forgiveness. It is all about the choice and I made the choice to be bitter.

With the guidance of God through the working of the Holy Spirit, I have to make the right choice – the choice not to be offended, the choice to offer radical forgiveness, the choice not to respond hastily and rudely, the choice to love because as I have been forgiven much by God. Now today I can say there is no grudge or offense to carry. I am learning everyday to love, forgive and not be bitter. It is not easy but is certainly possible through the working of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, thank you that you gave me everything that I need to overcome bitterness. I pray you would help me see when I am prideful and not allowing your spirit to move freely in me. Thank you for this lesson you showed me and let my life be an example of your amazing love and forgiveness every day. Amen.

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14 thoughts on “Enter: Flesh Woman

  1. Denise

    You handled it well. Me, I’d probably suggest that if would like to join forces with you and come up with something better, let’s have at it. Else I might just say bless her darling heart and stupid head. Either way, I’d be a bit miffed myself and I too would dawn my Flesh Woman cape.

  2. eph2810

    Oh – that ‘P’ word…how often has the enemy used it for me to stumble. I love the term “radical forgiveness” – great advice. It never fails that our Lord always gives us something when we are struggling with a certain issue.

    Thank you so much for sharing your honest heart with us.

    Be blessed today and always.

  3. LynnLynn

    Hi Dana,

    I am always amazed how God’s timing is exquisite. Always when I am studying a verse which needs application in my life, God presents and opportunity. Excellent.

  4. Shalee

    Flesh Woman and I have a long, ugly relationship. I can’t wait until I kiss her goodbye for good.

    Good for you for looking beyond yourself and making a choice for God instead of one against him. I hope to be there consistently some day too…

  5. Sherry L.

    Mercy, Grace, and Forgiveness!
    May they not only be FOR ME, but also FROM ME!

    PLease ENTER ME!

  6. Patricia

    Bravo!! And what a perfect post for me to read as I am struggling with this issue of late. THANK YOU!!! Very inspiring!

  7. Heather CHeatherC

    Wow. I’m right in the middle of a similar challenge. It’s so easy for me to view my opponent as someone inhuman. When I look at her through God’s eyes, I can recognize that she needs forgiveness as much as I do.

  8. Elaine Olsen

    Beth Moore offered an interesting word the other night in our video Bible study.

    In regards to forgiveness, we need to cast the blame of the offense onto the enemy, Satan, not onto the person who offended. Satan is the author of all sin and often uses good people to do his bidding. I have been that person, and I have been sinned against. If I could ever get to the place of separating the offender and Satan (and putting the blame where it correctly belongs), then, perhaps, I would be quicker to forgive.

    I don’t know if this makes sense to you, but it was a powerful teaching for me. (Week 5 of Beth’s “Stepping Up” series.).

    Anyway…a good word today!


  9. Michelle

    This was very timely for me as a bitter root was sprouting this week. I will choose the forgiveness weed killer. Thanks for emphasizing it is a choice. Blessings!

  10. Tracy Berta

    Greetings, Dana!

    Thanks for the encouraging word! Boy, did God deal with this SAME issue with me this week (April Fool’s Day no less!) I had just listened to Joyce Meyer earlier that morning and something she said had “hit” me- “I ‘ate’ on the wrong thinking all day and the next day was physically sick.”

    Well, I was irritatied at my dear hubby early Tues. morning, and couple that with a SLEEPLESS night due to my sweet 1 yr. old Abigail, I “chewed” on that irritation and wrong thinking all day. It was quite the “Pity Party!”

    Well, by afternoon, ignoring the prompting of the Holy Spirit, I “blew my top” and yelled at my other 4 kids! I had let that bitter root grow all day, watering it with “poor me” selfish thinking.

    Oh, how I was reminded to “take every thought captive” and to be careful of what I eat……

    Many blessings!

  11. Angela

    I know what you mean Sister. I have days like that and many times I allow my mouth to go before my brain thinks. I am praying I will get better at viewing the “bigger” picture than the “me” picture.
    Thank you for reminding me God can take control of my weaknesses.

    “enter me”

  12. LindaLinda

    Wonderfully said Dana. It all comes down to the choices we make. I think you did very well in making the right one.