Establishing the Work of Our Hands

It’s easy for me to get bogged down by taking on too much, by DOING rather than BEING. I’m a passionate person, so I tend to get swooped up into the moment and become a crusader for something or someone. In the past several years, the Lord has clearly defined what passion He desires me to follow in serving others.

My personal mission statement is “Being uniquely designed by God, I am to use my uniqueness to passionately serve others in a spirit of humility for the purpose of bringing glory to God.” It’s based upon 1 Peter 4:10,11.

I try to weigh what I do in light of that statement.  Am I utilizing my uniqueness, my giftedness, to passionately serve others?  Am I doing it in a spirit of humility? Am I seeking only to bring Him glory? The passion the Lord has given me is for women and children, especially  “the least of these.” The unpopular, the down trodden, the abused are among the women and children God has called me to serve.

At this time of year, I ask the Lord to show me what works of my hand He would like me to commit to Him for His glory. This year, I’d have to say they would be:

~ To be able to demonstrate His victory over sin in all areas of my life. He has brought me through so much over the past several years. He has humbled me and brought me to my knees. He’s given me victory in many areas of my life. But there is one area that needs “the work of His hand” in my life. I put everyone and everything before myself, at the expense of my health. I want the work of His hand to establish me by getting my weight under His discipline and control. It’s the only way I can show others that God cares about all areas of  life and that they all belong to Him.

~ My heart breaks for the downtrodden women and children of the world. I’m an active voice, with hands, and feet within my own community. I’m committed to continuing the work of His hand that He’s established in my life by bringing women of all ages to the point of becoming disciplemakers themselves.

~ I’ve travelled and taught His truths to women on 3 continents, and the women at these Bible studies and retreats represent 5 continents. I’ve been humbled by the experience. To see the hunger and reverence these women have for the Word of God. To hear the passion with which they pray. Their total abandonment to serve Him at all costs. After all, what do they have to loose? Most of these women have nothing or next to it, right? Actually, their abandonment has come at great cost. For some, it’s cost them their lives, their homes, their families. How can I even think for a minute I have anything to give them save the Lord shining through this earthen vessel? It is because of these women, especially the women of the 3rd world countries that I have met either personally or vicariously through my friend Michele Rickett with Sisters In Service, that I am inspired to be their voice here in the land of plenty. That is my 3rd work to commit as the work of His hand. He has given me a loud, booming voice for a reason. I’ve been thankful for it when I’ve had to speak to large groups without microphones, but now that voice must be heard in as many creative ways the Lord can give me. I’m committing to continue to declare Him through printed word, speaking engagements and over the airwaves on Christian Women Affiliate’s “Grace Cafe.”

What about you?

What works of His hand are you committing to Him for this new year? Share them with us below so we can encourage one another one.

Marsha's Musings

3 thoughts on “Establishing the Work of Our Hands

  1. Andie

    Great work Marsha, you are inspiring. I work mostly with children and my goal this coming year is to continue to teach them Bible stories about God’s love. They really hunger for these stories and seem to grasp the meaning so easily.

  2. Iris

    What a challenge, Marsha. I am grateful that you also share your wisdom here at LWG.

    I am currently praying over where the Lord wants to use me. There is much on my mind, but nothing is yet clear.

  3. Rachel

    What a great word Marsha!!
    Psalms 90:17 has been put before me once again.
    I think this is going to be one of my prayers for the upcoming year.

    I want to be following His lead. I want to see His daughters freed from their past.