Family Ties

The call came from my father-in-law right after dinner. He and Wayne’s mom had been in a car accident. He had suffered some cuts and bruises. She was with Jesus.

We had seen them two weeks earlier for Christmas when we made the 2,000-mile trek from where we lived in Alberta, Canada, to their home in Louisiana. Now the distance seemed insurmountable. We would leave as quickly as possible but so many things had to be done. The first thing I did was call my friend Susan. Twenty minutes later the house began to fill up with loving members of our church family.

Immediately they began to take care of us. Connie spent two hours on the phone with the airline making reservations and securing the compassion fare. Steve gathered the Sunday School material so he could teach Wayne’s class. Susan got needed dress clothes for our son Mark. Jimmy arranged to take us to the airport. Others handled the dog, the house, and countless responsibilities we could not simply walk away from. And in the midst of all the activity there was prayer, hugs, and tears. Within hours we were ready to travel.

In Louisiana, my father-in-law encountered the same love and care from his church family. Friends went to the hospital to bring him home. Two men stayed with him throughout that first night after the accident. Some of the women made sure the beds were ready for us. By the time we arrived the kitchen and refrigerator were filled with food. No need went unmet.

Giving and receiving the love of Christ in the context of His church is a vital component of fueling and sustaining our faith. The local church is the perfect place to find love, encouragement, and strength as you follow Christ. The local church is the perfect place for you to discover all God has planned for you. It’s the perfect place to fire up your flat faith. Fully connect, reconnect, or connect for the very first time.

Tell us about a time you gave or received the love of Christ through the local church.

Fed Up with Flat Faith, spiritual drynessThis post was excerpted from Kathy’s new book “Fed Up with Flat Faith: 10 Attitudes & Actions to Pump Up Your Faith.” Find out more about the book.


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2 thoughts on “Family Ties

  1. Iris

    It is so true that the church family is a great support system when you are going through some rough times.