Fast Food Prayers

Why in a fast food restaurant do they display ALL the potential toys that could come in your kids” meal? I mean if they just said there is going to be a toy in their bag, life would be so much easier. But noooooooooooo, they have to show all the silly things tricking my kids into thinking they actually have a choice in the matter. By the time we have even gotten to the counter to place our order, I am threatening my kids with their lives and no food for a week if they are not completely elated with the cheap toy that the precious and kind (so thrilled about being at their job) people behind the register have given them!

Sitting down at the table, I purposely gave my son the meal with the crocodile stuffed animal so when he is playing army men, he can pretend like one is chasing his men. I was just thrilled I had figured this all out while holding a tray and my baby, pulling my first daughter from outer space, taming my very own army man, and finding a seat!

“Why are you crying?” I asked so hastily. “Well, I know that man went to a lot of trouble to get me this toy, but it is not the one I really had my heart set on,” my son so sheepishly explained. “Well, you know you don’t always get what you want. Sometimes we are given things we think we don’t need or see the purpose in them yet,” I shouted in that soft, quiet teeth gritting way that only a mom can do and really mean it!

On the way home, wondering why I go through that process so often, I heard the Lord begin to speak to me very patiently and with purpose! “Yes, Lord! I feel your conviction weighing heavily on me right now. What is it I need to confess? Oh, I know. I have no patience and the sarcasm I use with the kids is going to come right back and bite me hard some day like in about eight or ten years. Forgive me, Father. Control my tongue!” I now sheepishly explained.

Jesus gently laid it on me! “Well, for starters, yes that is another area you need to work on (your mouth), but I want you to be aware of something a bit different at this time! You come to the fast food request line of prayer with all these “holy” desires and expectations as well. Don’t you know I have the perfect plan for your life, what you need and don’t? When I bless you with what seems a “cheap toy”, please don’t cry and stomp your feet. I have the whole picture already worked out and “I AM and I know”! Be thankful and quit complaining my sweet child! After all, aren’t you always telling your children to do everything without complaining or arguing? I love you always!”

“Do everything without complaining or arguing…”Philippians 2:14


8 thoughts on “Fast Food Prayers

  1. leighgray

    Sorry for the late post! I am already going in “fast” speed today. Love to hear how He spoke to you through Fast Food Prayers! Love, Leigh Gray

  2. Shalee

    Oh my word, God is speaking directly through you to me. I’ve coming to know more and more how much I cheapen God with my paltry requests when he has BIG PLANS for me.

    My tongue… oh how I need to tame it not only with my kids, but with my spouse, my friends and even myself.

    Hope your day slows down for you and that you can enjoy these moments fully.

  3. LynnLynn


    Girl, this is written for me. My post, a week or so ago, was about this EXACT thing. I don’t know why so many of us are being convicted about our tongues??? But we are… Me especially.

    This post was so well written. Witty, fun, and awesome message. It was a delight to read and it was God’s personal message to stay on track praying over the words I speak. Thank you!!!

  4. dawn carlson

    Wonderful analogy. Thank you for a good lesson to chew on today!

    And I can totally empathize with the fast food toy thing – my grandkids and I go to McD quite often and they rarely get what they really want!

  5. LindaLinda

    What a wonderful devotional Leigh. I think it speaks to all of us. I am learning that it is more important for me to simply trust the Lord to do what is best in my life and the lives of my loved ones. If I truly believe He is all He has said He is, I know He will give us exactly what is best.

  6. eph2810

    I always love how you tie in a lesson using your experience with your children 🙂 Yes, we too often reject the sweet blessings our Father has in store for us, because we think we don’t want/need it…but He knows better, doesn’t He?

    Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us.