Flat Sue

Image from About.com - family crafts

When Sue complained to her exercise buddies one summer that all of them were going somewhere but her, the group hatched a plan. They decided not to leave home without her. From photos, Sue made eight-inch, laminated versions of herself. Then she gave one of the cut-out dolls to each of her friends. Now Sue would not just be going on one trip; she would literally be traveling around the world!

I met Flat Sue during a short-term mission trip to Moldova. Lisa, the leader of our mission team, was also one of Sue’s friends. Lisa kept Flat Sue in the backpack she carried each day of the trip. She regularly included Flat Sue in photos so the real Sue would have a record of her travels.

By the end of the summer, Flat Sue had traveled to more than a dozen places on several continents. She walked the streets of New York City, laid on a beach in Hawaii, climbed the Swiss Alps, and even stood before the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Cameras recorded each spot and activity. Although this fun gesture encouraged the real Sue, she still spent the summer at home. Seeing “herself” in the photos could never replace actually experiencing the adventure. She missed out on the sights, sounds, smells, and emotions that a fully animated traveler enjoys.

Many Christians go through the motions of faith all the while feeling as flat as a cardboard cutout.

Sometimes, like Flat Sue “traveled” the world, they may taste the faith they could have by experiencing it vicariously through other Christians. They see the fiery passion of well-known Christian leaders, ministers in their church, or friends. The fire may even warm them briefly, but in the end they accept the same cold, flat faith.

I’ve been there. For nearly two decades after I accepted Jesus as Savior my faith was as dry and flat as cardboard Sue.

I saw the vibrant faith I longed to have in the lives of Christian friends, but it eluded me. Finally, in desperation I shared my struggles with one of those friends. She compassionately challenged me not to settle for a lifeless faith. My willingness to be vulnerable was just the attitude God wanted from me so He could work. Almost immediately God grabbed my heart through a Bible study of Romans and my faith took off in a new direction. More than two decades later I’m still growing. I’m not where God wants me to be, but I’m also not where I once was!

Do you struggle with dry faith? Do you long for passion and purpose in your relationship with Christ? Jesus came so we could have abundant life. Don’t settle for less.


Kathy Howard

7 thoughts on “Flat Sue

  1. Iris

    Amen Kathy. I am still growing on a day-to-day basis. Even thought we can glean from other Christians around us, He is the One who changes us from the inside out.

    Thank you so much for sharing from your heart.