Where Does my Journey Lead?

“And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!”” ~ Mark 9:23-24 (ESV)

Over the last month I have been contemplating about my journey this side of Heaven. Where will my personal faith journey lead? Will I completely trust my Savior to take a leap of faith; to the unknown? The only thing I know for certain is that (one day) I will see my Savior face-to-face.

Too often I feel like the father who had a son with an unclean spirit (getting discouraged because things don’t work out). The father came to Jesus’ disciples to have the unclean spirit cast out of his son (Mark 9:14-29). However, Jesus’ disciples were unable to get rid of the unclean spirit. The father ask Jesus if He could help. I love Jesus’ answer “All Things are possible for one who believes.” (Mark 9:23).

Why is it so hard for me at times to believe God with the day-to-day stuff. I am trusting God with my salvation through faith in Christ Jesus, so why not with the rest of my earthly life? I wish that God would use me to make a difference this side of heaven. Will He use my passion for photography to make a difference? There is a particular website that I keep going back to; it is called Visual Peacemakers. I really like their concept. I truly believe that we need to understand other cultures first before we can reach out to share the Truth.

Again, I am asking the question: “where will my personal journey lead?” Will God open doors that I have never thought of? Although I am a control-freak, I lay down everything I have; my dreams, my hopes at the foot of the cross. I am ready to surrender it all to the Lord on a daily basis. I will follow to wherever or whatever He calls me to. Yes, it is scary, but I need to let go of the control I have held on to for way too long.

Lord of my salvation, thank You for Your gift of Your precious son. You know my failures, but still love me despite of them. You know my passions and dreams, use them for Your Glory. Lord, like the father of the son with an unclean spirit “I believe, help my unbelief”. I am trusting You for this journey until life eternal. In Jesus’ precious name – Amen.

Photo & Content Copyright © Iris Nelson

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6 thoughts on “Where Does my Journey Lead?

  1. Lori

    It is often easy to trust God for our salvation but the day to day little things is much more difficult. But God can use us weak people in ways we can not even dream. That is what is so exciting.

  2. MicheleMichele

    I too wonder what the Lord has in store for me next… But then I know that whatever it is, it will always be the best think in the world for me, because He only wants the best for me…. The same is for you as well! It’s that so wonderful about our Lord?… He loves each one of us as though we were His only beloved child. Blessings dear friend.

  3. BernadineBernadine

    Iris I really like your journey series because at this place I’m also asking God what next and trying to let go and trust him completely with my future.