For the love of reading

Growing up in a small, rural community there was no television in my home until I became a teenager. Consequently, for entertainment I read books, lots and lots of books and there began my love of reading. However, the Bible wasn’t high on my list of must reads except for Sunday school and church.

Hence when I became a Christian at the age of 16 I had no idea where to begin with the Bible. Although I grew up in church, personal Bible study time was not a priority to me until I became a Christian. So I decided as a new Christian teen that the same love I had for my romance novels, mysteries and suspense books I was going to carry that over to my personal Bible reading. Therefore, I began to read the stories in the Bible simply for the love of reading (Of course Esther and Ruth were two of the first books I read. The fact that they were somewhat like romance stories had absolutely nothing to do with it, lol).

I fell in love with the men and women of the Bible and I spent many hours during my teens just reading their life stories. Back then I spent more time reading the Old Testament stories and it was during those times that without even realizing I began to pray to God for qualities I wanted in my life.

I asked him to give me the strength and courage of Esther, to be willing to place myself in harms way if necessary to help someone else.

I prayed for the optimism of Joshua and Caleb, to see the obstacles in my life as small when compared to my God.

I prayed to be like Ruth, loyal and devoted to the people he placed in my life.

I prayed for the determination of Nehemiah, who no matter what happened he was determined to stay his course.

I longed for the heart of David who when he made mistakes was swift to cry out,

1 Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the
multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.
10Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
11Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
Psalms 51:1,10-11

It was those sweet times of simply falling in love with God’s word that began to develop and form my relationship with him. And as I read the stories of the Bible, more and more I began to long for something deeper, something more intimate, and it was then that I began to read for more than enjoyment, I started reading the Bible for meaning and inspiration, but that’s a story for another day.

Did any of you ladies find it difficult to discipline yourself to spend time in the word as a young Christian?

 Sig Tag

(published previously on my blog)

28 thoughts on “For the love of reading

  1. Shawna

    When I was young I did not have difficulty with devotions; I have had hard times as an adult with devotions.
    I love the Old Testament. When I was a Christian teen I would sometimes look at the Old Testament figures and think, I would not fall or give up like they did…I would seek God and be strong. I thought, God’s people should have figured it out after a few years of wandering the wilderness, not forty! LOL! Now, almost 20 years later, I understand that they were normal people that had everyday struggles with sin. Now I know that the “wilderness” can whip you! I can better relate with the wonderful lessons God gives us in those men and women, and how they overcame when they called upon God after making unwise decisions. God’s ways and thoughts are so truly way above mine! And I am sooo glad. Thank you Lord for your patience with me.
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  2. Valarie Elswick

    When I was a young Christian I wasn’t taught the importance of a REAL daily relationship with Jesus. I mean, I opened the Bible, read a chapter, maybe even two, but that was it. Checked off my “to do” list and I thought that was it. Not until Jesus became my daily bread, the water for my thristy soul did I realize it’s so much more than that! I think daily time with Jesus becomes more of a “want to” than a “have to” as you gain maturity in your walk. At least that’s been true in my life.
    I can’t make it thru my day without spending time with Him first, I mean, sure I can get thru it, but how many people get hurt in the process – especially me!!

    Thanks for this great post and “enter me”.

  3. Wendy

    I, too, used to read the Bible for entertainment…Hollywood’s gotten nothing on the stories of God’s people. And then one day, almost as though someone turned on a light, I felt God in my reading and realized that there were much greater reasons to read the Bible than fun. In all truth, I don’t spend enough time in the Word and hope that through prayer and discipline I can give more time to the precious text that is our lifeline.

    I must share that coming to this blog has been such a blessing. I will continue to read long after the She Speaks contest is over. On that note, please enter me.

  4. Samantha Roberts

    When I first became a Christian I was so hungry for more of this One who could know everything about me and still love me so much. I absolutely devoured the New Testiment those first few months. It’s funny to go back and look at that first Bible – I think I highlighted all but about 50 words from Matthew through Revelation! Now the Old Testiment came a lot later and a lot slower, but I eventually came to appreciate it. I admit, though, that I still need to learn to read it just as passionately!

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  5. Julia Moore

    As a young Christian, I did have a hard time getting into God’s Word. But about half way through my teen years, we had a youth leader come serve at our church who challenged us to keep a prayer and Scripture reading journal for one full week. Naturally, we all groaned at the seemingly impossible task! I mean– really- ONE FULL WEEK!!??? But incredibly enough- it was that simple challenge that changed my life! I couldn’t stop journaling! Praise God for His faithfulness!

    Please “enter me” too!
    Thank you,

  6. HisGirl

    When I was young, I didn’t even know there was such a thing as morning devotions- devotions time at all was a mystery. I can’t imagine how I missed out, how I didn’t know. When I made the choice to follow hard after Jesus in my 20’s, I struggled with devotion time, and it didn’t become a blessed part of my life until my 30s. Now, I love it… long for it… and have hope in it. I long for my children to know and long for that precious morning time with Jesus much sooner than I did.

    oh, and please enter me 🙂

  7. Pam

    As A young christian, it took awhile before I realized the importance to spend time in the word. I found it quite challenging to try to discipline myself to do so. It took a crisis to bring me to the point of needing, desiring and seeking the word. I have adjusted my lifestyle so I can have devotional time.
    Please enter me.

  8. Tracey

    If I’m completely honest- there have been seasons both as a “young” Christian, and an (now) as an “Old” one, where my desire changes in temperature for the word… sometimes red hot- sometimes not so much. At those times- it comes down to discipline and prayer- that God would re-ignite my passion….

    I’ve been married for nearly 20 years— same goes for marriage—;) I think it’s part of our nature. Used to freak out when the cooler seasons came… afraid I was losing touch with God… but have since learned it’s about Him not me….and usually- After a season of coolness the passion is greater than ever before.

    Great post;)

  9. Mylah Luper-Johnson

    It has taken me quite some time to discipline myself to read God’s Word daily. But, now that I have, I can’t imagine not hearing Him speak to me through His word. Recently, I decided to start reading the Bible from the beginning. I am now in the book of Numbers (where it’s easy to become overwhelmed by all of the statistics) but I find that after everything I read, God has a real life application waiting for me. I always pray that what I read would be real to me, and He has heard me.

    Great post!
    “Enter me please”

  10. Grace

    Just this week, I made some hot tea. My husband asked, “Are you sick?” (He’s been sick.) “No, I just want some tea.” “You’re kidding, you’re not sick and you’re drinking hot tea!”
    I think many people feel the same way about reading these days. With all our entertainment options, there is still nothing quite like sitting in the sunshine with a wonderful book and going anywhere your imagination can take you.
    Oh, yes, “Please Enter Me.” 🙂

  11. Michelle

    The importance of spending time daily in the word was not stressed to me as a young Christian. Now, it can be challenging to commit to this daily. It has to be a conscious choice. What works best for me is not putting a time constraint on it, just spend whatever time I can each day. This has helped me to commit daily more time than I thought I had. Seeing what a difference it is making in my life encourages me to continue the commitment.

    Please enter me, thanks.

  12. Norma

    I would say that as a young christian is easier to spend time with God and His Word, but as you grow older and you grow in responsiblilities, all the other things compete for the time with God (especially children). But when we determine to make a stop and get intimate with God, our strentght is renewed and we are able to cope with everything else.

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  13. Lisa E.

    Wow! What a reflection of what so many of us go through. I found it eaier to read when I was younger because I had more time. Now after almost 20 year of marriage and 3 children, I find myself searching for enough time to read and be with the Lord as much asI would like. I often go back several times a day for just a few more verses. By the way, sometimes I read for leasuire like anovel, other times I read looking for a specific word, still other times I read just to hear from God. They are all good reasons to me.

    Enter Me

    Lisa E.

  14. Shalee

    I’m ashamed to say that I still have difficulties disciplining myself to spend time with God and his word 25 years after becoming a daughter to the King.

    But I too have grown to love the stories as I do go through the Bible. And as an extra gift, God faithfully surprises me with new insights or nuggets of wisdom that I did not gather in an earlier reading. It’s like a little built in incentive to keep me coming back for more.

    Enter me please.

  15. Denise

    It is so important to spend time in the word, it needs to be part of our day, everyday. Thanks for sharing this sweet friend. I love you.

  16. Denise

    I too am struggling with the discipline I need to read daily. I find when I pray before hand it gets accomplished, but most days I’m busy with my “to do” list and it gets pushed into a corner. I’ve started adding it to my do do list as I find the days I do take the time are vastly improved. Thanks for the encouragement!

    Enter me please

  17. Beth

    DID I? I didn’t START until the past two years! But now I do much better…

    Enter me today, please.

  18. Mary

    I began journaling and reading the Bible daily when my life was falling apart. It became a life and death thing for me…and I knew that God was the only One who could give me life. As I made that date with Him each morning, He healed my soul and my body. My struggle now is to realize that even though circumstances are better, I still need to view life as life or death. I can only bring life to others when my own life is overflowing with Him!

    Please “enter me” into the contest. Thank you.

  19. Chondra

    When I became a Christian at age 34, I had just overcome my 3rd miscarriage in a year. I so desperately wanted to have a child and was heart broken over not only losing the pregnancy but also the possbility of ever being able to get pregnant. So in my desperation, I devoured the word as much as I was able. Hannah (of course) became my heroine and I bookmarked her prayer in my bible.
    I did get pregnant months later and while I continued to hungrily read my word, it became more difficult after having my daughter. But God knows what we need and has subsequently used several situations in my life to draw me back closeer to HIM. With my husband away in Iraq and me alone with our daughters, I am able to lean on HIM & HIS word for comfort, love and support.

  20. Angela

    How I wish I had that kind of passion to read the Bible. I have always disliked reading and I feel I fall short in my relationship with God by my lack of dedication to Bible study. I can only stay focused for about 10 of 15 minutes at a time. That is why I have enjoyed LWG’s devotions, they are short but still they feed me with the word and I feel empowered for the day. Thank you!

    “enter me”

  21. Rachel Temple

    I came a christian at a very young age… then we never went to church once I was in my teen years..Really not sure of all the reasons why we stopped going. However, it was not until my early 30’s that I did not really start understanding the personal relationship with Jesus and that He is a God of love. In my early 20’s my husband and I would go but just went. ~~sat there and left~~ never talking to anyone.
    We’ll now it has been a blessing that we are all coming back to sit at Jesus feet. My 5 year old like to pray at the dinner table.
    I will say in the morning I do try to make it part of my morning routine, there are days though that it does not happen.
    This last year journaling and coming back to His word just amazes me.

    Please enter me today,

    With blessings from the heavens,

    Romans 8:28

  22. Connie

    I now too devour the Bible like a love story…and I love to read books that are take offs of the Bible that help me understand the Bible more… one being, Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers… Have you read that one? Oh my what a beautiful love story..

    blessings my friend

  23. Heather CHeather@mommymonk

    Oh, how right you are. Reading His love story should be a joy and not another duty on our list. I long to have that eager passion for the Word that I had early in this sacred romance.

  24. AngieAngie

    Bernadine…you struck a chord. I had the most difficult time as a teenager with devotions. I did very little. And only beause it was expected…not because my heart sought His. But today…my heart seeks hard after Him.
    What a good devotion. You blessed me!

  25. LynnLynn

    Wow Bernadine,

    Awesome post. I was inspired how you would pray to be more like Ruth or Joshua. Wonderful. You are always a delight and your love of reading endears me even closer to you my friend. Have a fantastic day. Love and hugs, Lynn

  26. eph2810

    I really like how you have asked God to give you the traits of the Old Testament heroes.

    The answer to your question is ‘yes’…it took me a very long time to have the discipline to stay in His Word on a daily basis.

  27. Laurel

    Oh goodness YES, even today it is a daily struggle. No matter what age you are Satan does not want you to spend time in the word, so he provides distractions and trials. My spam word here is “grace” and that is what sustains me, even when I am not faithful…HE IS and his grace covers me =)