From Bondage to Butterfly

“It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.”  Galatians 5:1

 One Saturday my Granddaughter Lana and I went on a butterfly hunt. We searched for hours. Lana had her trusty butterfly net and binoculars in hand, ready to spot, catch, observe and release. To see nature through the eyes of a child adds a sense of wonder and awe. I loved every minute of it!

monarch-butterfly-in-chrysalisAs we observed butterflies, I thought about their struggles to become the free flight beauties they are. While in the chrysalis, the caterpillar is captive, held in bondage so to speak, in a casing of its own making. The transparent chrysalis reveals the transformation that is taking place in the life of that caterpillar. Soon beautiful colors become visible even though there is rarely movement.

 Soon the transformation is complete and the butterfly begins to shake the chrysalis. It struggles to break free from its self-made bondage. As I’ve watched this process over the years, I’ve been tempted to help the butterfly out and release it from its chrysalis. But I know that if I were to break it open in order to assist the butterfly, it will die. God designed the struggle to be a part of the plan. The butterfly has to struggle to strengthen its wings so that it can soar! Struggle encourages perseverance.

 Sometimes I feel like that trapped butterfly ready to emerge from its bondage. I want God to transform my life but there have been times that I look more to others to help me rather than let Him work within me and strengthen me. That’s the way of the butterfly, perseverance.

monarch-butterfly1 His plans are perfect. He equips each of us through His Word and the guidance of His Spirit to be able to break free and to soar high. His ways are loving and compassionate, even though sometimes it may not look that way. He encourages me to be more like the transforming caterpillar. To be patient and wait. Even though I want Him or someone to break those chains so I can soar, He says, be patient, I’m working in you and I want you to be whole otherwise you will not be free.

 He wants me to identify the area of bondage that is affecting me. Then he wants me to identify the lie I’ve been believing and then replace it with the truth of His Word. If I don’t go through this transformation, I will be like the butterfly that has been set free prematurely by someone, unable to soar because it lacks the strength.  

 Once a butterfly breaks free from the chrysalis, it is free to soar to new heights.  It never goes back to its former way, of being in bondage in the chrysalis. Instead, it lives its life as God fully intended.

 Lord, teach me to be patient. Show me any areas that still have me in bondage, help me identify the lie and then show me through Your Word the truth that will set me free so I may soar to new heights as You have intended.  I love You.

Your Humbly Grateful Daughter,




Marsha’s Musings 

11 thoughts on “From Bondage to Butterfly

  1. eph2810

    Oh, what a marvelous analogy. I too love butterflies and know that the last part of getting ready to soar is designed to be that way. I never thought of that comparing it to our own struggles though…Thank you so much for the wonderful encouragement this morning…

  2. Sarah

    Thank you so much. Perseverance: even when it seems like all I’ve been doing is persevering. lol. A reminder of whose time and will I am under. And truly it is not my own!

  3. MicheleMichele

    I love the analogy! It’s like my bumble bee too… I’m working on another bumble bee lesson too…

    Love this sis… you write so beautifully

    Love you

  4. Judith

    Hi Marsha Thank you for visiting me and I did enjoy your post – thank you, Judith

  5. BP

    I’ve been meaning to read your post since I saw it up and hadn’t come over yet.

    I love this, especially the idea that the butterfly doesn’t return back to that place once it is free.

    Have a good weekend!

  6. Julia

    I have written a few blogs on the topic of butterflies myself, just checking yours out….great job…thanks for sharing.

    Feel free to check out my site also at

    Thanks again