God is Bigger!

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” ~ 1 Peter 5:6-8 (ESV)

Living in Germany didn’t require much driving. I only drove once in a while; maybe when we went on vacation giving my beloved a rest. Moving here to Arizona was a big step for me — I had to drive everywhere. To be honest with you, I still not like to drive! It is more a ‘must-do’ thing. I actually have anxiety attacks if I have to drive too far or into areas I am not familiar with…

I was invited to join a Phoenix photographer group for a workshop. I even took the day off from work to join at least one day of the three-day-event. After I found out that I had to drive across the valley, I was terrified. Although I was up at my usual time, I could not get myself to get ready. I laid on our bed like a statue – stone cold – could not move.

I sent an ‘SOS’ to one of my friends — “I stink” I wrote. I started praying like there was no tomorrow (I know my friend did too). I so wanted to join the photographer group. I got up from the bed yelling “God is bigger – with His help I can do anything. Even driving across the valley!!!!” — Guess what – I did it!!!!

Maybe it is not driving that terrifies you. Maybe it is forgiving someone who hurt you. Maybe you need to visit a dying friend. Moving across the country like Michele did..What ever it might be that makes you immobile — give it to Him. As Peter wrote in his epistle: “…your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion…” Just remember: God is Bigger!!!!

Lord of Heaven and Earth. Thank You for Your amazing strength You are willing to give to your people. All it needs for us to receive the strength is for us to ask for Your help. Lord, You are amazing and I love You!!!! In the precious name of Jesus ~ Amen.


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5 thoughts on “God is Bigger!

  1. Marsha

    Oh amen, Iris! He is BIGGER than anything we fear or find ourselves up against. It’s so funny, but I immediately thought of the old Veggie Tales tune “God is Bigger Than the Boogieman!”


  2. LaurieLaurie

    Iris, my husband hates to drive too. He makes me drive everywhere. But it doesn’t really matter what we dread doing … God always enables us and gives us the strength to make it thru! love you, Laurie

  3. Debbie

    Iris, I’m so glad you prayed and stepped out of your comfort zone. Look at what you would have missed had you not gone. You are becoming such a good photographer and will only grow as you learn more. I don’t mind driving so holler if you need me. 🙂

    What seems to scare me is the unknown. I like to plan and know what will happen and where I’ll be. I’m learning to trust the Lord in the midst of uncertainty.

    Love you,