God hears.

As we pray together as a family, I recently noticed our son saying the same or a similar prayer every time. I reminded him that we pray to talk to God and need to speak from our hearts. In the past he had done some amazing prayers that really surprised us to hear coming from someone so young. Back in March as we gathered as a family for a meal after Mammaw’s funeral, we were all touched at his beautiful prayer that seemed to hold such wisdom beyond his years and comfort for us all. Lately though it seemed he was just rushing through to say a few words and be done.

As a parent, I often wonder if we are doing enough or the right things to train up our son to know the Lord. I recently prayed that God would show me that our son is paying attention and hearing the lessons we are teaching and trying to live before him. Sometime after I prayed this we were praying together, and I again mentioned to our son to be sure to “pray from your heart” as it was his turn to pray. As he prayed he remembered children without parents, which touched my heart. We had not even been talking about this at the time. It was in his heart though, and he had evidently remembered our talks about helping orphans and wanted to pray for them. Since then he has continued to slow down and pray such sweet, heartfelt prayers.

This was an answer to prayer for me that reassured me that we are doing right things in our parenting. It also reassured me that God is listening to all of our prayers. I know this but it is good to be reminded from time to time. My husband and I have been praying about three specific things in our lives for some time. I know God is hearing these prayers of our heart. Even though I may not see the answer clearly today I am confident He hears and has the answers for us.

I just want to encourage you today that God is listening to your prayers. In I Peter 3:12 it says,

“For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer.”

You matter to Him and He cares about the concerns of your heart. Nothing is too big or too small to take to Him in prayer. Have you taken time to pray today? The Lord is waiting. Maybe you’re unsure how to pray or what to say. You don’t have to have a memorized script or fancy words. Just talk to Him from your heart as you’d speak with a friend. Tell Him what is causing you worry or fear. Tell Him what makes you happy and excited. He wants to hear it all. You can be sure He will hear you.

Have a day of blessings!

You can visit me at Raindrops & Rainbows!

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7 thoughts on “God hears.

  1. Kim

    We recently had this same conversation with our 7 year old. He got in the habit of “reciting” a prayer rather than it coming from the heart. And the same with you, our son has said some amazing prayers that just blew my husband and I away. He really does have a soft, caring heart.
    Thank you for this post.

  2. Momma

    This is such a good reminder. I too have a couple specific things I’ve been praying about and since it’s been a while, I’ve found myself questioning whether or not God is hearing me. I know in my heart that He does and I know that I need to be patient and confident that the answer may very well be WAIT!
    I’m so proud of the parents that you are being to that precious boy of ours!

  3. LaurieLAURIE

    Great devo Bethany! I think as adults, we are also guilty of this very thing. Rushing and falling into an old habit. Prayer is so much more than just words … its our lifeline to God. -blessings!

  4. Debbie

    This was a really sweet devotional Bethany. There is nothing like a little voice praying. My grandson (3 years old) recently was at a high school Christmas party with his daddy who is the high school pastor and when it was time to pray he interupted his dad and said, “Daddy, let me pray to Jesus today.” And he went on to do so…thanking Him for the food etc., and at the end said, “and thank you my daddy let me come.” Guess there was more than one in tears and lots of chuckles. What a blessing it is to see their faith and hearts at such a young age. You are obviously doing a great job…Thanks for sharing this. Blessings, Debbie

  5. eph2810

    It is so neat that you and your husband are teaching your young son to pray for the heart…

    I know we matter to our God when we speak to Him in prayer; I just wish I were more patient on waiting on some of my prayers.

    Thank you for sharing from your heart to ours, Bethany.

  6. Debbie

    I think of the old hymn “Everything to God in Prayer”. Too often we carry burdens instead of coming to God in prayer. In the past, I’ve prayed and thought I laid my burden down, only to find I’d taken it back up again.

    Philippians 4:6-7 are my verses for this year. I want to live a life of peace as I trust God with my burdens. In the meantime, I will stay in His Word, pray and listen and obey.

    Great devotional Bethany,