God Is

#nofilter Sunrise at Silver Lake


Hebrews 11 is one of my (kazillion) many favorite chapters.  It is all about FAITH.

Faith is a BIG deal.   When I think of “faith” I think of my sister, Wanda.  She had faith, it seemed to move mountains–or at the very least, to be able to accomplish [through the power and strength of God within her] what doctors said was impossible.  And she trusted Him….all the way to her last breath here and her first breath there.


It is often difficult to hold the gaze of faith- without blinking- when everything seems to shift in your life so drastically and you feel yourself falling…but falling, is best.  Fall to your knees.  That’s what I do.  I have to.  There is no other way for me to live my life–than falling to my knees on my face before my holy Father.  My faith rests in Him.  When all of life shifts around me like the earth’s tectonic plates.

Before you start thinking I wear some sort of super-hero cap–fahgetaboutit.  I don’t.  I wear t-shirts, sweat-pants and flip flops.  A LOT.  I crumple in tears during devotion time OFTEN.  But that’s when I’m trying to handle my situation…and He reminds me to “hand it over Daughter…. You can do this through Me and- I Am right here.”

Hebrews 11:6 says this:

But without faith it is impossible to please Him:  for He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

If we truly want to please God, there is no way we can–without having faith.  Often we say, I believe God “can”… but do we first believe that HE IS?

He is the I AM.  There is no time when He wasn’t.  He is. ETERNAL.

Trust and Faith are sisters.  They go hand in hand.  You never have one without the other.  To truly have faith in God, you truly trust God.  No matter what.  If the barn burns down, the boss fires your spouse, your child gets desperately sick, or if you face the unimaginable “C” word.  We often think “things like that” happen to other people.  WE are other people to other people.  (We really need to get a grip on that one.)

Having faith through all the circumstances that happen in our lives-builds our trust–and in turn, equips us for MORE faith.

Believe today–if you don’t know Him already.  Have faith that HE IS.  Start your morning off with HIM…give Him every portion of your day–yes, that is possible–the key is just remembering HE is RIGHT THERE….in all of it.

He is.  He can.  He will.

To please Him, believe.  Seek Him.  He will reward your diligent faith.


© Angie Knight 2016.  All rights reserved.  Used by permission.  Photography © Angie Knight.  All rights reserved.  Used by permission.

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