God Remains

Have you ever met individuals who have this overflowing joy, inner strength and peace that seems inexplicable?

Time and again I have come across individuals who are suffering from a chronic illness; going through a heart wrenching loss; or even has been told they have months to live; yet they seem to have this overwhelming peace and inner strength within them. When you confront them they will respond much like the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 73:26,

“My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak; but God remains the strength of my heart; He is mine forever.”

How can this be? The answer is right in this verse – God remains. Everything and everyone else can leave us, but one thing will always remain – GOD! When we give our heart and life to our Lord and Savior He promises to never leave us nor forsake us. God remains! God is – always was – and always will be – God remains! The key to this overflowing joy and strength is that we remain in Him. I am not saying we can lose our salvation. I am saying we must remain in Him – trust Him for our very being – our every need; resting in His tender loving arms giving Him all of our cares and woes; realizing that we can do nothing in our own strength. All we are and ever hope to be is in His merciful hands.

I know it is difficult at times with our multitude of problems, chronic pain and trials of this life to always seem to go around with a smile as though everything is just fine. But this verse is not telling you to do that; look at this verse a little closer. The Psalmist has already admitted that his health is failing – and look what He says next – my spirit may grow weak! He is “spent” physically and even spiritually, but He knows one thing and that one thing gives Him the strength he needs to go on another day another moment. What is that one thing? God remains!

Where does their joy, peace and strength come from when all else has left them? God remains! This one thing, this hope and promise will give each of us the strength to remain in a God who has made His dwelling place our heart.

Dear gracious heavenly Father, when all of life seems to overwhelm us, and our strength is gone, may we remain in You as You promise to always remain in us. May we remember that You are the strength our heart. In Jesus name, Amen.

bumble_bee_tattoo4Beelieve You Can! Psalm 18:29

9 thoughts on “God Remains

  1. Karen

    Great devotion, Michele! He remains…what an encouraging thought to dwell on when all seems lost…He is all we need….

  2. Debbie

    Michele, you made excellent points. The key is to abide in Him. How often do we try to fix things in our own strength? Resting in Him so He can work in us and through us. Our bodies might be weak but He is strong. Thank you for this.

    Blessings and love from Arizona,

  3. LaurieLaurie

    “God remains” – what a wonderful promise to cling to when life seems unfair. Thanks for sharing a great Word with us today!

  4. Marsha

    Wonderful devo this morning, sis. Great comfort in these words, God remains. I’m thankful they jumped off the page for you so you could share them with us.
    Love you.

  5. eph2810

    Amen, Michele. I know that if I take my eyes off of Him, I have a hard time to stay focused. He indeed is my strength and my rock.

    Thank you for the encouragement this morning.

  6. Alleluiabelle

    Sweet Sister Michele,

    This post spoke volumes to me at this specific time in my life, because of emotional and physical things that have gone on in our lives especially within the past few days. The Lord spoke through you when you posted this and he pointed me here particularly today to read this. You have no idea how this touched me so.

    Bless your soul faithful one. Bless your soul.

    I love you and thank you.

    {{{Hugs}}}, Prayers and so much more,