Grace, God’s wonderful Grace!

Often times when someone messes up or hurts us, we write them off. We no longer associate with them or give them any more of our time.

Recently, we had someone hurt a family member deeply, While everyone else around us threw their hands up and turned and walked away from this person, I couldn’t help but to want to reach out. I don’t know, call it my mission or whatever you want, but something in me just could not walk away from this person. Instead of seeing the outward action, I couldn’t help but see the wounded soul that he was, just trying to do the right thing but struggling to find his way.

I suppose this is how God sees us when we mess up. He does not like the outward outbursts or even sin that we commit, but yet He looks deep inside and sees that our inner wounds keep us from being all that we can be in Him.

Despite our poor choices, our bad intentions and our sinful ways, God never turns His back on us. He never washes His hands nor does He give up on us. He sees the potential each of us has and He is waiting ever so patiently for us to give our lives over to Him so that He can make the change that we ever so desperately want and need.

If you have a difficult time accepting someone as they are, look at what Jesus did with Matthew. He invited Matthew, the tax collector, to follow Him, and Matthew accepted. Matthew then invited Jesus to dinner at his house. But the religious leaders criticized Jesus for eating with tax collectors and sinners. But Jesus said…

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Matt. 9:12-13).

Jesus, the Great Physician, wants to meet each of us at our point of need, offering forgiveness, healing, and hope. What we don’t deserve, He freely gives. He offers grace when grace is least expected. The opinion of others is the least of His worries…He is more consumed and concerned with making the sick well, the sinner free.

Likewise, when we reach out to people in need, we too have the opportunity to extend the grace of God to others. Instead of turning the cheek, turn to God for leading and direction on how you too can be a grace giver.

“When you know God’s grace, you’ll want to show God’s grace.”

2 thoughts on “Grace, God’s wonderful Grace!

  1. Grace

    I did not stumble upon this website, more so this devotion by accident, God have a way of answering our prayers. I thank the Lord for this devotion, as I really need to forgive someone who is very very close to me, more so my daughter, who said something to me, which really hurts, and in my human being, what I feel like doing is distance myself away from her, But I know that is not what the Lord wants me to do, I know that is not how the Lord would handle the situation. Thank you for this devotion. I never knew about you website, but found it this morning by browsing, and this is clearly the answer to my prayer. Forgiveness is really a healing for the soul. Though I still feel hurt, I know the best thing to do is to forgive my daughter, and let it go. I will continue to pray for her, I know I serve a BIG GOD, and he will do what he says he will do. Never to leave us nor forsake us. He has died for my transgression. And I will continue to serve him. As he said in his word, in this world we will face persecution, but be of good cheer, he has over come the world. AMEN!