Grace Wins Every Time

I just love the song “Grace Wins” by Christian artist, Matthew West. My favorite part is the Bridge:


“For the prodigal son, grace wins;

For the woman at the well, grace wins;

For the blind man and the beggar, grace wins;

For always and forever, grace wins;

For the lost out on the street, grace wins;

For the worst part of you and me, grace wins;

For the thief on the cross, grace wins

For a world that is lost.”

Grace equals forgiveness and when I think about God’s grace for me, I am overwhelmed with the thought that even though I am a wretched person, He still loves me so much that He forgives me. That same grace is the grace that He wants us to extend to others. The Prodigal in your life? Extend some grace. The less fortunate that you come in contact with? Extend grace. The one who betrayed you, lied on you and cheated you? Extend some grace.

Where can we get so much grace for others? At the Cross! The Apostle Paul urges us to forgive as we ourselves have been forgiven…

(Colossians 3:13) “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone, forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

You may have some hurts and disappointments that are difficult to get over. Perhaps you are carrying with you some unsettled hurt and bitterness about something or someone. The Cross reminds us that the debt of our sins has already been paid. Jesus carried the burden and the suffering so that we would not have to carry it no more. Today is Good Friday, I cannot think of a better time, a better day, to lay our hurts and sufferings down. Jesus died so that we could live. He extended grace so that we could forgive.

Today isn’t just Good Friday, it’s also a good day to extend forgiveness. Grace, my friend, wins EVERY time!

Blessings, Laurie

@copyright2018 laurieadams

*For more of my daily devotions, find my page on facebook – womentakingastand

3 thoughts on “Grace Wins Every Time

  1. BernadineBernadine

    Grace Wins!!! Thank you for introducing me to a new song. I love it and the thoughts you shared today. (Your book is on its way)

  2. Katie Sweeting

    Praise God- His grace goes win. That’s a wonderful song and an important truth !