The Great However

walking_aloneI sat down several times in the past few weeks to write this post but stopped before even a few words were written on the page.  I just haven’t been in the mood.  You see, I’ve been going through a challenging season.  Thankfully, I’m feeling better now and can actually focus on what I want to share!  I know we all have times that aren’t perfect.  Each one of us will go through the highs and lows of life, and quite often it is in the difficult times that we grow the closest to God.  But this particular season has really cut me to the core.  That is probably because my heart-pain is not just over one event but over a series of difficult and painful experiences that have come at me with the relentlessness of an approaching freight train – you know, those really long ones carrying different cargo in each car with tons of graffiti on the side?

Ok…Let me start at the beginning.  I absolutely love Christmas.  I love the reason we celebrate it.  I love the anticipation and planning for the “big day”.  I love the lights, the decorations, and the warmth of getting together with friends and family.  I love the holiness of the season and God’s gift to us through Christ.  But this year was a bit of a struggle.  I can’t say that I’m surprised, as people warned me this could happen.  But, I guess I never really thought that I’d be counting the days until my favorite time of year was over!

As many of you know, my father went home to be with the Lord in July.  That in itself was a terribly difficult time, but then, as his first birthday without him passed, and then the first Christmas, a shadow was cast upon what should have been the most joyful time of year.  It was almost as if “someone” knew I was feeling weak and vulnerable and decided to send other challenges my way.  I wasn’t the only one feeling the tension.  Understandably, my mother was not handling things well, but we did our best to comfort her.  Her needs became many over the past several weeks, and I exhausted myself trying to meet them.  If I may continue with my pity party, my husband and I are also empty-nesters and this year, our “kids” were not able to be with us.  To compound things, there came some personal challenges and disappointments and the erosion of plans we had made for the future.  I know I have so much to be thankful for, but still, I’ve been pretty blue.  When so many things happen at once, it is exhausting emotionally.

However, and this is the GREAT HOWEVER, our God is greater than our trials!  He is stronger than our struggles.  He knows our hearts and every tear that falls from our eyes.  He cares about us and He always has our best in mind!  He has a plan far beyond any plan we have made on our own.

 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).

 All through the past month, I have been reminding myself of His love.  I have been on my knees before Him asking for strength and direction, but also trusting His timing.  And you know what?  His faithfulness shone through!  He was always there whenever I felt like I couldn’t go on.  He held me when I was so scared and sad that the tears came flooding from my eyes.  When I was going through the motions of celebration during the holidays, He reminded me that He was with me…and that He would always be with me!

 “And be sure of this:  I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 18:20).

 No matter what challenges swirl around us, no matter how difficult or dark the road, we can count on our God.  And when we are so weak we cannot stand, He will carry us through.

Trusting in Him,

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2 thoughts on “The Great However

  1. Iris

    Oh Joan; I so know what you are talking about. Some seasons of our life are harder than others. We struggle; we are dismayed. But God is faithful and will see us through the tough times.

    Thank you so much for sharing from your heart.

    1. Joanjoan

      I am so thankful that our God is faithful! I know He will see me through any difficult time that comes before me. I am trusting God!

      Blessings, Joan