The Greatest Moment of Our Lives

You stand at the back of an empty auditorium, seeing rows and rows of chairs soon to be filled with friends just like you. Your big moment is just a couple hours away. Soon you will hear your name being called and walk forward to accept your diploma.

Years of hard work, finished. You did it. Yes!

Yet deep down you feel joy and sadness. What once was will be no more. Goodbyes will be said and tears will fall. Festive foods await you. Family and friends celebrate your success today, but tomorrow will come and you will enter unknown territory.

Questions bounce around in your mind.

Who am I if I’m not a student anymore? What will become of my life? Will I find a job in this economy? Will I make enough money to survive? Will I get married? Have children?ย What trials are right around the corner? What successes?

Unfortunately, your unanswered questions steal part of your joy on this special day. So you smile and thank everyone for being there. You enjoy the party. You live well for the moment.

But before long you are home again. Alone. In your room. All is quiet and fear comes in like rolling waves, so you cleverly look for ways to ride them. The waves win and you are taken under.You can’t sleep. You ask yourself questions and only silence answers. Eventually you tire and fall asleep.

Only to awake to the same ole questions.

Why am I talking about a graduation moment as a 40-something-year-old mother of two?

Because we ALL mark our lives by moments like these. Those days where we feel valued and seen and accomplished. We cherish times like these. They can be defining and even life-changing. They are big days.

But today I am reminded of a bigger moment. A moment yet to come. A moment when all your questions are answered and all fears are erased. A time when your name will be called and you will rise to accept your reward. A day when you realize your reward isn’t yours after all. It must be passed on. So in holy awe and worship, you bow and lay it down before the throne of God.

A moment when the celebration and praise never end. But this time the moment is not about your success.

It’s about the success of love.

God’s love.

In this moment, you acknowledge love made your entire earthly life worthwhile.

God’s love healed you.

Love changed you.

This is the greatest moment of your life.

And love never ends.

You take a deep breath and think, Yes, this is the life!



(Today I challenge you to look for people to fill those empty chairs. Let’s invite others to celebrate LOVE while we still have breath. After all, God’s LOVE WINS!)


In love with Jesus,

Tiffany @ Tea with Tiffany




9 thoughts on “The Greatest Moment of Our Lives

  1. Jo Royal

    This was so true to my graduation experience! And I agree – it is something that continues on with many different aspects of our lives. Great to be reminded that the best is yet to come!! Whooop!!