Grow in Grace

The secretary of my daughter’s school asked me if I could help with a bulletin display case in the main hallway this spring.  Since it was the beginning of April, I used the theme of showers and flowers. 

 I had been given some winter bulbs as a Christmas gift which also included two beautiful pots.  I planted the bulbs even though they had sat dormant in their box for over three months.  I don’t think you’re supposed to do that. 

 There’s a reason I hadn’t planted them before this.  I’m just not much of a gardener.  I realize that plants need regular attention – namely good soil, watering and sufficient sunlight.  My attention, however, is usually needed elsewhere.

So, I put the plants into the display case with low expectations.  The worst case scenario would be if they didn’t grow at all.  After all, they were a few months late and they wouldn’t get much sunlight but the secretary promised to water them often.  That was more than I could promise!

As it turns out, the display case became a hothouse of growth.  The plants received warmth and attention which produced great results.  In four weeks, the bulbs had grown into lush green plants and they had even flowered. 

Had they been in my house, they would have received sporadic watering and little attention.  It reminds me of my spiritual life sometimes.  I go through patches with little watering (time spent in the Word and prayer) and then I try to make up for it by over-watering.  Parch myself.  Drown myself.  Repeat. 

When the cycle repeats itself, the results are less than satisfactory.  My plants have crunchy brown leaves and my heart…well, my heart can’t flourish under these circumstances either.  My heart needs a hothouse to produce optimal growth.  Plenty of time spent in the Sonlight and lots of water from the Word. 

The apostle Paul says that fruit will grow in my life when I am walking in the Spirit (Galatians 5).  This means my spiritual life needs regular attention. 

I brought  my plants home at the end of April, so now their survival is my sole responsibility.  Although they had a great start at the school, I can’t rest upon that success.  It occurs to me that plants are always growing.  Old parts die off and new growth occurs. 

Plants don’t stagnate.  The same is true in our hearts. 

2 Peter 3:18 

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To him be glory both now and forever!  Amen.

Come visit me…

5 thoughts on “Grow in Grace

  1. LynnLynn


    Wow, this is a great analogy. I think sometimes I might do the same… parched then drowning…. I really liked this post. Thank you.

  2. LindaLinda

    A perfect analogy Heather and very convicting. I’m afraid I’m in that drought season and need to stop all this “busyness” and do the things that are truly important. Thanks for this beautiful reminder.