Happy New Week!

I know it’s already January 5th, but I still have to say it…Happy New Year!

My husband led our morning devotion on New Years Day. He began in the beginning, in Genesis. On the first day of the new year, our family tradition is to have a special time together, and begin in His word.

“In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

Friends, in the beginning God created. The word created, is the Hebrew word “bara”. A verb. The action word, which means to create, shape, to form by cutting, fashion, to transform, cut out, pare down, to give new conditions and circumstances, to polish.

You are reading this today, so you are still here for His purpose. God is creating in you, actively working each day to transform and polish you into something of beauty that will take his breath away – the likeness of His son Jesus.

God is not bound by time or a the first month of the new year. He is the beginning and the end. But, this week for us, it is the beginning of a new year. A new beginning for each of us.

In the beginning of year 2010, no matter what comes your way these next twelve months, He is at work creating something beautiful in you.

Remember that.

Come by and pay me a visit at  Blessed…

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