Hear Our Prayers

A prayer for all the victims of the recent Amish School Murders:

Dear Lord,

Cover us with your hand during this time of tragedy and heartache for those who have lost their daughters. Help us make sense of the devastation these families and our society are experiencing. Help us heal our pain and reach out to those who are also hurting.

Our thoughts and prayers go up to you, our God, in the midst of this horrendous action. Please heal the hearts and souls of those who have lost their children. Heal the hearts and souls of the family who have lost their father and husband. May our tears reach up to you.

In God’s name, Amen.

Please feel free to add your own prayers in the comment area.

11 thoughts on “Hear Our Prayers

  1. eph2810

    Lord of Mercy & Grace. Heal the broken hearts of those who lost their family members. Fill their hearts with Your promise. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

  2. Amy from Belle

    Dear Lord, please comfort those who lost loved ones and everyone involved and even those not. I can’t imagine the grief and confusion they are suffering. Please stay in their hearts and give them strength in this horrible, difficult time. I ask this in the name of your son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

  3. Grafted Branch

    Did you hear what the community is saying? Two things: that the killing was a mercy in light of the gunman’s true intentions and that it is better the shooting happened there than another school because the victims were READY TO MEET GOD!

    That’s God’s Grace that let’s them say that — has to be. Can only be.

  4. Nancy

    Amen. I am a retired teacher and my heartaches for all involved. I am thankful that I never had to endure anything like this in my 32 years of teaching.

  5. stayathomemotherdom

    I am very saddened by this. I pray that the families find strength in God and don’t turn their back to Him.

  6. Ruth

    Dear God, you are good. you are faithful. you are near the broken hearted and save those who are crushed in spirit. Father, I ask you for comfort for each heart that has been bitten by this evil. I ask you to comfort and heal…draw near to them and help them to draw near to you. I pray for the gunmans family. His children, his wife. I lift them up to you. I lift up their pain. Cover their hearts.
    In Jesus name…

  7. Sue

    Dear Lord, may we always remember to hug and kiss our loved ones TODAY,because this might be the day you call them home. Amen

  8. Amy from Belle

    Still thinking about all of them. They laid their little girls to rest on Thursday. Reading about it was very hard but I admire them for having the strength and kindness in their hearts to forgive the gunman, rather than harboring hatred and bitterness. I don’t know if I could be that strong. God bless all of them.