One Heart

I just returned from a mission trip halfway around the world. I, along with nineteen others from my church, spent ten days in Kishinev, Moldova. In case you’re wondering, this small country in Eastern Europe is sandwiched between Romania and Ukraine.

Our church has an ongoing relationship with a local Kishinev church. We’ve been sending groups of various sizes there for almost a dozen years. This year we delivered food to needy people, conducted a VBS, held a sports camp in a local park, and talked about Jesus every chance we had. Dozens of people, from children to octogenarians, accepted Christ as their Savior.

One thing that blessed me the most was the fellowship with the Moldovan Christians. On the surface we don’t have much in common. Our cultures are different. We speak different languages. (Thankfully, some spoke English because my Russian is non-existent.) We eat different foods. And I learned the hard way that our humor is different.

But our hearts are the same. Both our American team and the Moldovan Christians love Jesus and His people. The commonality we have in Jesus far surpasses any superficial differences. Our relationship with Jesus fosters within us a love for His people. Cultural and language barriers don’t really matter.

The peace of Christ can break down the toughest walls that divide people. Ephesians 3:14 describes how Christ’s work destroyed the barrier even between Jew and Gentile. “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.”

Peace and unity is possible among God’s people because of Christ’s death on the cross. Is there someone you need to make peace with today?

Blessings!    Kathy

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5 thoughts on “One Heart

  1. JoanJoan

    Love is the key to bridging the gap between cultures. Thanks for sharing about your mission trip. Blessings to you!

    Living for Him, Joan

  2. Bernadine

    “The commonality we have in Jesus far surpasses any superficial differences.”

    I enjoyed reading about your mission trip. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Iris

    I so agree with you, Kathy. No matter if we have differences in culture or language. God’s language of love through Christ is the same throughout the world.

    Thank you so much for sharing from the amazing mission trip.