Heroes, Make Some Noise!

I’m captivated by the Thunderbirds. The rumbling roar over Colorado Springs during football season or on graduation day gets me every time. And I’m not the only one. Cars swerve off the freeway and onto the shoulder, families gather in nearby parking lots, some watch from rooftops–just to look up.

How does this flight crew perform such amazing aerial stunts?

When I watch this air show, I think of words like courage, power, teamwork, training, and freedom. This is our nation, America–and this is our Air Force. These are the heroes of today. I have so much respect for their service to protect our land. (Thank You, servicemen and women.)

So what makes a hero anyway? And what makes a hero of faith?

Is it teaming up with a few others to go on a specific mission for Jesus? Is it laboring behind the scenes through blood-sweat-and-tears-prayer?  Is it one being courageous to share freedom in Christ with another? I’m sure there are many definitions of a hero. In Hebrews 11, we find a list of faith-filled heroes.

I’m asking God to help me live like a hero for His namesake in my generation. And believe me, I’ve got a long way to go.  I like easy, comfortable and safe more than I like risk, discipline and sacrifice. But because of Christ’s love, I must spread my wings and fly. Others need to discover this life-changing love while there is still time.

And when I am weary from flight, God invites me to rest under His mighty wing.

He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
Psalm 91:4 (NIV)

Father God, thank You for the heroes of yesterday and today. Help me become a hero of the faith. By Your Spirit, empower me to soar to new places and share Your love. I want to make a rumbling noise for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Spreading my wings,


Find me at Tea with Tiffany

(pic taken by me)

9 thoughts on “Heroes, Make Some Noise!

  1. Debbie

    Tiffany, I love what you wrote:
    “But because of Christ’s love, I must spread my wings and fly.”

    I tend to enjoy my comfort zone but that doesn’t take faith to stay there. I too must spread my wings.

    Blessings and love,

  2. JoanJoan

    To be a hero of faith takes courage! But when we place our trust in Him, He will give us that courage! Thank you for that wonderful post.

    Living for Him, Joan

  3. Karen

    “Others need to discover this life-changing love while there is still time.”…amen…the time is short…Lord, help us all to work towards becoming heroes of the faith….

  4. Iris

    I too have a long way to go, Tiffany. I am thankful that God has me placed in the middle of women like you and the rest of the LWG team to encourage and pray.

    Thank you for sharing these encouraging words with us. (BTW – awesome photograph)

  5. Mike

    I think I hear the rumble and thunder of a mighty, spiritual storm. It seems to be coming from Tiffany’s direction.

  6. Rachel

    Hero’s step out and do the unexpected,they step out on faith,they show love to other’s and take action.

    Hero Headquarters was the theme for our VBS last week! I just posted about it over on my blog
    Hugs to you