Holy, He is Holy

Isaiah 6:2-3 Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another:
“Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty;
the whole earth is full of his glory.”

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee;
Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!
God in three Persons, blessèd Trinity!

Holy, holy, holy! though the darkness hide Thee,
Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see;
Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee,
Perfect in power, in love, and purity.

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
All Thy works shall praise Thy Name, in earth, and sky, and sea;
Holy, holy, holy; merciful and mighty!
God in three Persons, blessèd Trinity!

In the midst of our struggles, He is holy.

When things go wrong, He is holy.

In the midst of our sorrows, He is holy.

When fellow Christians hurt us, He is holy.

In our loss and fears, He is holy.

When the world oppresses, He is holy.

In the midst of our pain, He is holy.

When all else fails, He is holy.

Lord, help us to remember that no matter our circumstances You are holy. Remind us that wherever we are You are there. Remind us that however we feel, You are with us and You are holy.

What are you in the midst of today? How does His holiness affect that circumstance? What can you do to remind yourself that He is the great I AM and He is holy?

6 thoughts on “Holy, He is Holy

  1. janet

    When my husband is grumpy and I spent too much on Christmas, He is holy. I’m so thankful for His constancy in the midst of my chaos.

  2. Sissy

    If it wasn’t for God I would be on the 13th floor of the hospital during this time of year. He is indeed my rock and His holiness continues to bless me even when I refuse to open my eyes.

  3. eph2810

    I had to remind myself the last couple of days that He is holy in all circumstances…No matter what. If I don’t sense Him in my life — I can turn my trusted Bible in order to get comfort and peace.

    Thank you Heather for the reminder that He is always Holy…

  4. e-Mom

    I love this Isaiah passage. I get shivers every time I read it. How can anyone not bend their knee to a awesome God like this? And He is with us… Emmanuel. Thanks for the memory jog!