Holy Hunger

We are looking forward to traveling this weekend and watching our Granddaughter be dedicated to the Lord. A tradition that my husband and I did with our own four children and pleased to see that our children are continuing in the tradition of committing their families to the Lord.

When my husband was pastoring, baby dedications was one of my favorite things to see. I’m not sure why. I guess because there was so much hope and anticipation in what was to unfold and come with that little precious gift of life. Something always would grip my heart to see parents stand up and willingly say that they want God to be the center of their child’s upbringing. The words spoken were beautiful but when a dab of oil was placed upon the babies forehead, I couldn’t help but get goosebumps all over thinking of the great things that little baby was about to embark upon for God in his or her lifetime.

Just as it is a natural instinct for an infant to want some milk , I believe that all babies also have a built in desire to have more of Jesus. You could call it a Holy Hunger, a thirst that only He can satisfy.

PSALM 23:5 “You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows.”

The problem is that when we grow older, many of us do not go to the cup often enough to experience the overflow of His oil. If we filled a cup up to the brim with water, eventually we would have to go back to the tap, where we got the water, for a refilling. In order to keep the cup overflowing, we must continue to keep the water flow going. Spiritually, when we do not allow the oil to saturate us, to be a continual flow in our life, our cup will never overflow. We will become dry, parched and stagnate.

The oil used at Baby dedications is not where the power comes from. However, what and Who the oil symbolizes is what goes with us and remains with us for all of our days. If we let it. The oil is there, however, we have to keep returning to the source to keep our cup overflowing.

How can we do that?

Simply by feeding the desire that you have for God. By praying, reading His Word, memorizing scripture, fasting and dedicating  your thoughts, your words and your life to Him.

Dedication is not just for babies…it is for a lifetime!

PRAYER: “Dear Lord, I dedicate my life to You today. Forgive me of my past transgressions and take my life in Your hands and mold it, shape it, transform it. Make me new in You and keep my cup overflowing with Your love, Your joy, Your peace, Your understanding. Bring me back to your fountain daily, the one that never runs dry so that I can be a working vessel for You.” AMEN

You can find more devotions over at www.womentakingastand.blogspot.com

2 thoughts on “Holy Hunger

  1. Iris

    Amen, Laurie. You are right; we need to get to the well on a daily basis to ensure we are not running dry.

    Have a marvelous weekend with your family, seeing your granddaughter being dedicated to the Lord.