How About Some Kindness?

“Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” Colossians 3:12-13 (NLT – emphasis mine)

Honestly, I think that kindness in today’s fast paced world has taking a back seat. I see it every day in the store, on the road, at work. People are generally not kind to each other. What really gets me going is if someone at the register is on their silly cell phone having a conversation, but ignoring the sales clerk. How rude!!! I have even given people the ‘stink-eye’ when they are right in front of me at the register.

I also don’t like it when people I am talking to (having a real conversation) are looking at the FB feed. Seriously? Am I that boring that you need to check your FB while I am talking to you?

Reading Paul’s words in Colossians 3, kindness…tenderhearted mercy…humility…gentleness…patience. So I guess, when I get upset with people because they are being rude, I need to be more gentle, have tenderhearted mercy, and show patience. Yikes! I guess I am just as rude as those who are not kind.

I think that we all need to re-learn how to truly be all that what Paul is telling us in his letter. We, as followers of Jesus, should be really watching how we react to people who are rude. We need to show mercy foremost. We need to slow down and truly pay attention to the people around us.

Have you heard about the “We ROAR Project”? In my eyes, this is one of the coolest projects I have come across. If you haven’t seen it, please check out their website at

So, today, I am asking you to show some kindness. To family, friends, and yes, even some strangers. Kindness goes a long way these days! I have been at the receiving end by one of my photographer friends. She sent me a devotional book because she knew I was going through a rough time after losing my mom. I treasure her kindness for years to come.

Lord of mercy, grace and kindness. Thank You for showing us what kindness means. Help us to be kind to each others, including ourselves. Help us to show tender mercy, give us patience, and may we do all these things with great humility, giving You all the glory. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

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