“I AM”

Most of the time life goes along at a slow and peaceful pace, one day just like the one before. It is so easy to be content in God and to know that He LOVES us and that He is on HIS Throne and all is well.

Since this past March I have had just one thing and another to come my way it seemed just to aggrivate my peace in God.

I have learned through these times that what seemed as an aggravation was really God wanting me to lean more and more on Him, to let Him lead me and my life and to acknowdedge Him as Lord and Savior of everything I said or did.

About three weeks ago from a sound sleep I heard the words, ” I AM”. I opened my eyes and immediately realized that the Holy Spirit wanted to comfort me and to speak with me. I just lay there, as though I was wrapped in a warm blanket and I heard the words again; ” I AM”.

I immediately thought of the Words of God in Exodus 3, where God was telling Moses what to tell the children of Israel who sent him to Egypt to them God was going to free them from bondage. The years that God had pronounced upon them as slaves were up and they were going to be free and leave Egypt.

I lay in bed beside my sweet husband and just literally basked in the presence of The Holy Spirit. Oh God, yes YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE, and nothing will EVER change that.

I will walk in the path You have chosen for me be it easy or hard and I will keep my feet in the footprints You make in front of me. Oh Lord, I trust you with my life.

Please help me to always remember that good news or bad news, I always know that You are “I AM, THAT I AM.

You are my God Almighty, Jesus Christ, your only begotten son is my Savior and Lord, and The Holy Spirit it my Leader and Guide.

I love you dear Readers, blessings Gloria

(C)copyrite 2016, all rights reserves

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