Is It Time to Remove the Training Wheels?

I can remember when our kids were young, teaching them to ride a bike. At first, they couldn’t keep their balance, so we attached training wheels. Training wheels served the purpose of keeping them balanced enough so that they would not fall over and hurt themselves. At first, they felt unsure with the training wheels but after not too long, they built up enough confidence in the training wheels that they rode their bikes like a pro.

Eventually, they got so good at riding their bike, it was time to take the training wheels off. The uncertainty rushed back in. We assured them they could do it and that we would be holding on. The first couple times, we ran alongside the bike, holding onto the seat while they pedaled. “Don’t let go”,  they hollered as they looked over to be sure our hand was still on the seat. After a couple times of encouraging them they could do it, we ran alongside their bike but we let go and down the street they went. They no longer needed the training wheels.

Now that our children are grown, I think of that time in their lives because I think I’m often like that when it comes to my faith. Perhaps, you are too. It is comforting to know that someone is running alongside of us, holding onto the seat but at the same time, how exhilarating it is to take that step of faith and pedal on our own. We all feel safe with our training wheels on, but sooner or later, they need to come off.

The disciples experienced this.

For three years, the disciples walked with Jesus, ate with Jesus and were being trained by Jesus. Jesus knew that once the training wheels were removed, they would be free to go out into the world to spread the Gospel. Jesus trained them, they were ready. Some fell off of their bikes along the way but like any good parent would do, Jesus picked them up and set them back on their bike to try again.

Much like the disciples, you and I have some training wheels in our own life that are ready to come off. We are ready to push past our comfort zone and take that step of faith and do some peddling. It’s alittle scary but God will be right there by our side, encouraging us to keep peddling. If we hit a bump or two and fall off our bike, it’s ok, He will be right there to pick us up and set us on our way again.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

What training wheels do you have in your life that need to be removed? God is going to be right there with you, so stop being afraid and start peddling!


@copyright2019 laurieadams

*for more of my daily devotions, follow my devotional page on Facebook: womentakingastand

2 thoughts on “Is It Time to Remove the Training Wheels?

  1. Luwana

    That “launch out to the deep” kind of faith is scary, but rewarding. We all need that Godly boldness. A good word today. Thanks

  2. Iris Nelson

    What a powerful message, Laurie. I think that I really need to step out in faith to do the things I would love to do. May God give me the courage to do so.