Is Your Worship your Witness?

Recently, my granddaughter repeated something that she overheard from a conversation that adults were having in the other room. It reminded me of how unaware we can become of those around us who are listening and watching us.

This not only made me aware of how little ears are listening but also how those around us are watching us as well. There is a distinct connection between a Believers worship and a Believers witness. Eyes are watching us from both inside and outside the walls of the church.

It is easy to put on our praise and worship when everything is going smoothly in our lives. The job is going great, the family is healthy, the bills are paid and we are flying high on blessing mountain. Everyone around us (both inside and outside of the church) can see how well things are going for us.

But in a blink of an eye, tragedy can strike. Jobs can be lost. Sickness can come. Families can be ripped apart. In times such as these, the eyes are still watching, the ears are still listening to see what we do and hear what we say. Someone from inside (and outside) of the church will be watching us.

I remember several years ago, we had an elderly lady who lived across the street from us. She always kept to herself, never coming outside or being neighborly. After living in the neighborhood for a couple of years, my husband decided to run for a city alderman position. In his door to door campaign, he found himself knocking on this elderly ladies door. Upon answering his knock, she said to him, “I have one question to ask you!” Expecting to answer a question about his city involvement, my husband asked, “What is it?” To which our neighbor replied, “Why do you leave your front porch light on every night?”

We are surrounded by many people in life that we may never have the opportunity to impact with our words, but we will with our actions. For you see, whether it is good or bad, we all have influence over people. In everything that we do, someone is watching.

In Matthew, chapter 5, It says this:

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father Who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

It may seem like a lot of pressure knowing that others are watching us, but our attitude of worship could be the very thing that will draw someone closer to God. In the good times and the bad, may we always leave His Light on for others to see.


@copyright2019 laurieadamsdevotions


2 thoughts on “Is Your Worship your Witness?

  1. Luwana

    Yes, those who see us in and out of church have the clearest view of our testimony. A good reminder

  2. Iris Nelson

    So true that others are watching/listening to how we live and if we put feet to our faith. Thank you for the reminder to be mindful of that.