It Is Well

Warren Wiersbe is a great Christian Author and writes a lot about our Christian character. I recently read this quote from him:

We’re prone to want God to change our circumstances, but He wants to change our character.”

There is nothing greater that I have found being in ministry, then people, of all walks of life, seeking peace. Everyone wants to have peace, not just world peace, but peace in their decisions and circumstances.

I have a friend who worries about every little aspect in her life. She worries about her relationships. She worries about her finances. She worries about if she should change jobs. She worries about the worry in her life. Recently, after expressing her worry to me, she made a statement; “I just can’t find peace.”

I have been where my friend is. Worrying about everything to the point of worrying myself sick (literally). It took me awhile to figure out that the only thing that worry changes is my health, it takes it from good to bad. Finding peace from my worry didn’t come from my problems disappearing, rather, my peace came from inviting God to appear in my situations and decisions.

I love what the prophet Isaiah said about peace;

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed upon You.” (Isaiah 26:3)

This is what Wiersbe is trying to say also, that we are focusing on the wrong thing. Instead of focusing on our worries and our circumstances, we need to focus on Christ and how He and He alone will bring us the peace that we seek.

Horatio Spafford endured some terrible tragedies in his life and while he could have succumbed to the worry in his life, he chose instead to live in peace. When he was taken to the very spot on the waters that his family had drowned, Spafford wrote a song that declared that when sorrows like sea billows roll, it would be well with his soul.

Whatever has you worried today, my prayer is that you can shift your focus away from the problem and see the promise of peace of the Father that will make it well with your soul.


@copyright2019 laurieadams

*for more of my devotions, follow my devotion page on Facebook: womentakingastand

3 thoughts on “It Is Well

  1. Luwana

    Amen. Amen. When we know the “peacespeaker,” we can look to Him. But it is a conscious daily choice to depend on Jesus.

  2. Iris Nelson

    I couldn’t agree more. Worry does make you physically sick. As you said, if we shift our focus on God, and away from our circumstance, it is well with the soul.