If Jesus Did, Why Can’t I?

Please welcome Niccol to Laced With Grace today!

 I hate the beach. Wait, no, I love the beach. The wisps of air through my hair, the sand between my toes, the smell of cocoa butter in suntan oil, the scantily clad… oh, yes, I hate the beach. I hate it because I look around me and see young – thin – beautiful and I look at me and see none of those things.

 Sure, I can blame knee surgery and my husband’s penchant for gourmet comfort food. But the issue is bigger than my weight and older than the wrinkles that have grown out of the corners of my eyes.

It’s looking out at the world rather than up at God. My view of my self has always been defined by what the world sees rather than what God sees. I know “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14) But I don’t think You remembered to tell the world that today Lord so they don’t know and my self-image suffers.

Then I remember, Jesus looked out in Caesarea Philippi when he asked his disciples,

“Who do people say the Son of Man is?”  -Matthew 16:13

Jesus looked out at the world. He asked who the world saw Him to be. Why would He care? But He didn’t stop there.

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”  -Matthew 16:15

And we all know that Peter had the right answer, that Jesus is “the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16) And we all know Peter gets to be the rock for that answer. But it’s Jesus’ response that holds the answer to my question if Jesus did, why can’t I.

Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.”  -Matthew 16:17

Yes, Jesus looked out because it was the world’s view of Him that was mistaken – that was flawed. It was only by looking up – looking to the Father that Peter’s view of Jesus would be accurate.

We are no different. If we take on the world’s view of ourselves, we will see a flawed image that will never satisfy. Only by looking up – to our Creator, can we have a right view of who we are. Only then can we,
like Jesus, who knew exactly who He is, can we look out to see a hurting world that needs a right view… not of us, but of Jesus.

So… Join me and look up – in His eyes, we are wonderfully made because His “works are wonderful, I
know that full well.
” (Psalm 139:14)


Niccol will be joining our writing team and I know that we will be blessed to hear more from her. Please visit her personal blog www.setapartsetfree.com and welcome her to the LWG family!




7 thoughts on “If Jesus Did, Why Can’t I?

  1. Marsha

    Nic, I’m so thankful the Lord brought us together through She Speaks! I love your heart and the passion the Lord has given you for God’s Word.

    Thank you for the encouragement today. You are loved.

  2. elaine @ peace for the journey

    Looking up always keeps the focus where it belongs. So glad you’re joining this team!

    PS: For the record, I gave up bathing suits after child #4. It just doesn’t work for me, and I don’t miss it one bit!!!

  3. Iris

    Welcome to the team Niccol!

    You are right; we always see all our flaws, but He sees our heart. May I look more often up than in the mirror.

  4. Angie

    Welcome to the team! AND what a way to kick it off!
    The Scripture you used (I am fearfully and wonderfully made) was shared last night in Bible Study as we ventured into that land of “us–and how we see ourselves”.

    Good devotion this morning! Thanks for sharing–and again, WELCOME!