Recently, I came across a cartoon that depicted a possum, who was wearing a colonial general’s hat made out of paper and holding a tiny wooden sword. The possum was standing in a George Washington type of pose high up on a rock. The caption read … “We have met the enemy – and they is us!”

Isn’t that exactly how we feel after many long days. We started out with good intentions, but before long, discouragement sets in when things don’t go as we had hoped for the day. We find that the things we wanted to be faithful in just slipped thru our fingertips.

My “to do” list just seems to get longer and longer. When it comes to being a disciplined woman of God, it seems that I am truly my worst enemy.

As Christians, having faithfulness MUST be part of our character and part of our daily walk. To be faithful, I need to be loyal, trustworthy and steadfast. Faithfulness is a characteristic of someone who is reliable and faithful not only in action , but also in word.

So, what does faithfulness in action look like to you? Having the mark of a faithful woman might mean you have the following …

~you follow thru…on whatever needs to be done.

~you come thru…no matter what.

~you show up…even early so others won’t worry.

~you keep your word…your “yes” means “yes” and your “no” means “no”.

~you keep your commitments and appointments…canceling is only for extreme emergencies.

~you can be found regularly at church…you don’t neglect worship.

~you are devoted to duty…just as Jesus was when He came to do His Father’s will.

When I think about this list of actions that would show being faithful…I think of the famous Nike shoe advertisement slogan …”JUST DO IT!” Being faithful is just that. It means doing it ~ no matter what! Faithfulness is “Just Doing It!” no matter what your feelings, your moods or your desires – if the Lord wills.

JAMES 4:15 “Instead you ought to say, If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.”

I have found that when I start out my day by saying, “Today I am just going to do it!” and rely upon God for His strength and purpose in doing it, He always gives me the grace to have victory in my day.

What do you need to have faithfulness in today? Are you like the possum in the cartoon and struggle? Ask God to help you to JUST DO IT today. And He will!

You can visit my blog daily over at http://womentakingastand.blogspot.com and check out my prayer blog over at http://firstassemblyofgodprays.blogspot.com/

10 thoughts on “JUST DO IT!

  1. eph2810

    The days that I rely on my own strength to do the things that need to get done, are my not so good days. However if I focus first thing in the morning on Him and take the time in His presence, even the most hectic day turns out okay 🙂

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us…

  2. LynnLynn

    Wow, Lauire,

    Girl, I needed this kick in the pants. I have been vasilating about a lunch thing today. The second I read this I knew I needed to go. Thank you so much. Awesome post.

  3. Kathryn

    Um, if that is how you saw the quote, it is not original.

    The quote, which is “We have met the enemy and he is us,” came from an old Pogo cartoon (Pogo was an opossum, but drawn he looked nothing like an opossum). That particular comment was on what we were doing to the world with pollution.

    “We could use Walt Kelly about now, criticism without cruelty.” Walt Kelly did beautiful cartoons.

    My dad was a Pogo fan.

  4. LaurieLAURIE

    You are absolutely right about the cartoon! I found it after going thru an old file and it IS from Pogo. I love the saying because it is so true … many times we struggle and are not overcomers because we ARE our worse enemies and we do not put our trust in God. Thank God for His faithfulness to strengthen, guide and lead us. – blessings, Laurie

  5. Marsha

    All too often procrastination is the enemy of my attempts at faithfulness. It’s an area I really need to get back under control.

    Thanks for this great devo this morning, Laurie.

  6. Kathy Charest

    Thank you Laurie for words that I needed today. I just set a timer for my own “computer time”, as I was reading your blog, LOL. I have things that need to get done today and won’t get done if I spend more than 30 minutes reading blogs. 🙂 Thank you!

  7. LindaLinda

    Great, encouraging words Laurie. I think that is exactly right. We just need to do the things the Lord gives us to do. It is easier said than done when there are so many things to distract, but that is what He has called us to.

  8. Cindy Peplaw

    Thanks Laurie for those encouraging words, what an inspiration. Those words “Just Do It” are so true. It is such a reminder of how we should live and act in faith. Love it!
