Lay it Down

I recently went to a retreat, this past weekend where I expected to relax, hang out with friends and hear a Word from God through the speaker. But God knew I needed something different. I came into the retreat feeling burnt out, worn out and worn down. I told my friends I might just cry at the drop of the hat because I knew I was frayed at the ends, feeling like I wasn’t measuring up in any of my pursuits (work, home, church) and I was weary.

So, when we went into our time of prayer, we were supposed to read the story about the leper whose friends carried him through the roof just so he could see Jesus (Mark 2). We were supposed to think about authentic community and what it looks like to carry someone else’s mat or have your mat carried for you. And while I was in prayer, I realized that I had been trying to carry 100 mats every day, but I was missing a key element.

I was trying to carry my kids to Jesus, disciplining them, cleaning up after their messes, carrying all the responsibility for their growth upon my back. And at school I was carrying all the responsibility for my students, feeling guilty if they were failing, and carrying the heavy burden of their salvation around with me. I know I’m supposed to be a light and I’m not saying it’s wrong to care or to help carry another person’s burdens, but I realized that I was definitely missing something.

You see, those friends of the crippled man carried their friend to Jesus, bringing him to the only One who can really change lives. They carried him as far as they could and then let him down at the foot of the Healer. That’s where I went wrong.

I was carrying everyone else’s burdens but not carrying them to the cross. I wasn’t laying them down before Jesus, who is the only One who can really make a difference.

So, I laid those burdens down at His feet and trusted Him to help these people I care about. I did my part and now I’m letting Him do His part.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Are you carrying any burdens you need to lay down today?

5 thoughts on “Lay it Down

  1. JoanJoan

    What a wonderful post — and so true. How often is it that we exhaust ourselves trying to “do” everything and “fix” everything? I think the exhaustion comes when we are doing more than He’s asked us to. As we lay our burdens down at His feet, we will find rest…and, as we rest in Him, we will not be distracted. Our focus will shift and we will see the wonderful works He is doing all around us. Thanks Heather!

  2. Iris

    Thank you Heather for the reminder to let go of things and let God handle them. I do bring my burdens to Him, but often I prick them up again.

  3. Bernadine

    Oh Heather, I needed this today. I’ve been carrying the burdens of 28 students this week, worrying about things I have absolutely no control over. I definitely need to let them go. Thanks for sharing.