Let Everything that has Breath, Praise the Lord

I can’t believe it’s already the eleventh day of 2016.  It seems like just yesterday my husband and I were putting up our Christmas tree, anticipating our first Christmas together. All too soon the beautiful tree, twinkling lights and other reminders of the joyous holiday season have been put away for another year.

During the holidays I spent a lot of time reflecting on the goodness of God and all of the many ways I’ve seen his handiworks in my life.  From getting married to moving to a new country, 2015 was indeed a year of changes for me and I wanted to take time at the end of the year to offer up praise and thanks to God.

I love reading the Psalm and taking note of how David offered up praises to God.  Psalm 150 one of my favorite reminds us that as long as we have breath we are to praise the Lord.  That’s what I want to keep fresh in my mind during 2016.

Psalm 150 (NLV)

Praise the Lord! Praise God in His holy place! Praise Him in the heavens of His power! Praise Him for His great works! Praise Him for all His greatness!

Praise Him with the sound of a horn. Praise Him with harps. Praise Him with timbrels and dancing. Praise Him with strings and horns. Praise Him with loud sounds. Praise Him with loud and clear sounds. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!

As the New Year becomes a repeat of days, and life becomes routine again it’s easy to allow the excitement and anticipation that is in abundance during the holidays wane until you find yourself just going through the motions.  However, let’s make a pact to not do that this year.  There are too many things to be thankful for, too many blessings that we open our eyes to every day given to us by a loving savior. So let’s praise Him together this year no matter what comes our way.

I have found much wisdom and encouragement in this space over the years and I pray that, for those of you who write and for those of you who read and comment, 2016 will be an awesome year!

God bless you and happy New Year!

2 thoughts on “Let Everything that has Breath, Praise the Lord

  1. Libby

    Thank you for this reminder to always be thankful. I shouldn’t need to be reminded because I desire to stay in an attitude of gratefulness, but it never hurts. My scripture and Word for the new year is Is. 43:19. “Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” I think thankfulness and eager anticipation of something new go hand in hand.