Life is Not Always Fair

“For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” ~ Galatians 6:8-10 (ESV emphasis mine)

I am sure you had one of those days where nothing seems to be fair to you. People around you (believers and un-believers alike) get away with not doing their ‘fair’ share of responsibilities; or they whine all day long because they have to do something. It really doesn’t matter if it happens at work, at our church, or in our community we live in. There are always ‘slackers’ and ‘whiners’ …And to be honest, I sometimes whine too…

Some days I get frustrated for ‘doing good’. I have been staying on top of my tasks, so I should be rewarded, right? Or at least the people who do not pull their weight, should be ridiculed for not doing their job…

Well, it doesn’t always happen that way in life; this side of heaven I mean. There will always be unfair treatments; others will get ahead of you. Some times I let off some steam – communicate with my beloved. But most days I just whine to my heavenly Father how ‘unfair’ things are. You see, I am not better – I whine about the things I do. I should just concentrate on the things I do – not grow weary of ‘doing good’…

Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, is encouraging the believers to continue to do good, don’t grow weary, because they will reap in ‘due season’. Yes, life can get frustrating at times. What do you do when that happens? Grab your Bible to get encouraged by Him. And if you don’t have the opportunity to have a few minutes in His Word, listen to some encouraging Christian music. I highly recommend Third Day’s “God of Wonders”…Last time I listened to this song, the hot desert wind was blowing my frustrations out of me. I wonder if it was God’s breath blowing fresh life into me 🙂 .

“Lord of Heaven and Earth. I am sorry that I sometimes get frustrated with life. I am heartily sorry Lord that my inside is yelling “It is not FAIR”. Thank You for always being there when I need You. Either by remembering a Scripture passage; an encouraging email, or through Christian music. Thank You Lord for Your daily Love notes. Lord, thank You for reminding me that I should not grow weary, but to do good without seeking earthly rewards. In the precious name of Jesus ~ Amen.

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2 thoughts on “Life is Not Always Fair

  1. LaurieLaurie

    Iris, many days something or someone seems unfair but the more I stay focused on the fairness and gentleness of the Lord, the more I understand that He is the fairest of all. BLESSINGS.