Little Things

Little things stick. And sometimes for good reason. If something replays in my mind, I know God is trying to speak.

Am I listening?

This week while driving my son to his carpool stop, I saw a middle school boy walking with his head down holding something small in front of him. He took his sweet time crossing the neighborhood street as I waited to turn. And I mean, his sweet time.

What captured his attention? A hand held video game.

I thought, What is this world coming to? Kids can’t even walk to school now without some electronic gadget.

The following night I shopped for groceries at Sam’s Club. First my two kids and I ate pizza in the deli. A few tables away, a middle age man held his cell phone or Blackberry in front of his face, frantically pushing buttons. Justin and Hannah giggled.

“Stop staring,” I scolded. Justin claimed the guy wouldn’t even notice because he was playing a game.

“How do you know? He could be texting.”

“Because look at his face. He keeps sighing like he lost.”

Two times this week I saw two different people focusing on something small in front of them. Something they were holding on to. Both were oblivious to the world around them because of it.

Am I any different? Not really.

Sometimes I choose to carry little things around and focus on them all day. Little things like fears, feelings of rejection, stress of deadlines, or anger. And in doing so, I miss out on the world around me. And that includes my loved ones. Ouch. I wonder what my face looks like. I bet I sigh too.

I’m learning certain small things steal my day. Sometimes those little things are tangible, sometimes not. I don’t want to be memorized by one thing that I miss all small wonders around me. I want to notice every little gift God gives me.

Gifts like:

  • Smiles
  • Sunrises and sunsets
  • Smells like my blooming lilacs
  • Songs
  • Sweet words
  • Sleep
  • Salsa (my favorite, couldn’t resist)

The list goes on.

God knew I needed a visual of what it looks like when someone focuses on one small thing and nothing else. It looks ridiculous. Crazy. God cared enough to send the message. Twice.

For the past couple weeks, I’ve been busy writing. I haven’t paused long enough to notice anything. I’ve been grumpy when someone interrupts me. I’ve missed out. It was not my laptop that mattered most. That one thing made me look ridiculous.

Heavenly Father, You know how easily I can grab on to one small thing until it becomes unhealthy. You know how easily I can develop tunnel vision and miss my today. Right now, I surrender that thing capturing my attention. Each day it’s something different. You know what it is right now. Take it. It’s not what matters most. You do. And so do others. Now that my hands and eyes are free, allow me to see the little things You send my way everyday just to say, “I see you. I care about you. I love you.”

Now there’s something worth focusing on.

Looking for God’s love in the small things.

16 thoughts on “Little Things

  1. elaine

    I’ve had problems with the laptop also! But then life happens…interrupts my “little thing” to bring my focus back to what’s most important in my life right now…


    My four need me like never before (19, 16, 7, 5), and sometimes it takes an interruption to get my focus back on track.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  2. eph2810

    You are right – we develop tunnel vision when we are stuck on something. I know that I have over the last couple of months…Thank you for the reminder that we need to take a look around us…

    Thank you for sharing your insights with us…Blessings.

  3. Sallye

    Just what I needed to hear today. I too have been focused in on one thing and missing so many little things.

  4. Chelle'


    I was touched by this devotional. Truly.

    Often I hear the Lord asking, “Does my word say, ‘…but there is a laptop that sticks closer than a brother?’… or does my word say, “… but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother?”

    Why O why do we allow other things to be closer than Jesus???

    Thank you again for this message… it’s oh so relevant!!


  5. Julie Todd

    You know I love to read what you write….thanks for the reminder.
    It’s easy to get distracted by the little things isn’t it? I too can be really frustrated with the interruption. Like just now. I was sitting in my bedroom catching up on blogs since I was gone out of town. My 10 year old comes in and starts talking to me….ugghh…

    Sometimes it’s hard not to get frustrated with all the interruptions of life.

    Awesome job, friend,
    Hugs & Love,

  6. Susan


    I always enjoy your posts, so thought provoking, always challenging!

    When I think of interruptions, I’m reminded of all the ones that happened to Jesus while He was on the way to do one thing, and someone INTERUPPTED.

    Gosh, I think these were the greatest miracles that occurred in the word.

    I’m so glad he felt that touch that day, when that desperate woman grabbed hold of the hem of his garment.

    I want to be sensitive to all those divine interupptions in my life.

    See, you got me thinking, once again!!

  7. Shonda

    Thanks for pointing out how the little things can steal other gifts from us. I needed to read this devotion. Thanks…
    Blessings in Christ-

  8. LindaLinda

    I think it’s easy for all of us to get caught up in things that take us away from the really important people and things in our lives. I’ve been trying to work on that balance too.

  9. LynnLynn


    Wonderful post. All of us are caught up in this… stress of deadlines, or anger…. from time-to-time. Great reminder as today I am in the midst of deadlines, email and such. Love you girl.

  10. Tracy @ My Cup Runneth Over

    Great message. Definitely find myself nodding in agreement with this one. Your prayer is mine today as well. I don’t want to miss a single blessing due to my preoccupations. Thanks for a timely reminder, Tiffany!


  11. Heather CHeatherC

    Oh girl, I needed this today. I think I’ve been caught up in the little things lately. Not electronic things, but just thoughts crowding out anything else in my tiny brain. I want to have my eyes open to see the sunshine and yes, even the salsa 🙂 Thanks for the great reminder!

  12. Robin

    Great insight Tiffany! Something we can all walk away with because we can all relate on some level to the distractions you listed. May we stop and focus on what matters! Thanks!