How Long Will I Have To Wait?

Psalm 13: 1, 2 “How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? “

Have you ever had a time when you cried out to God and felt like He wasn’t listening or wasn’t even there? Somehow we think that if we just call out His name we should feel a sudden surge of peace come over us. After all, we have heard others tell us to just cry out to the Lord and He will come to our rescue. Although this is true, it is not always immediately; sometimes His answer is to wait.

We notice throughout the Psalms that David felt this way many times as well. He would cry out to God and ask Him why He doesn’t answer Him; why He doesn’t rescue Him; how long will he have to struggle? I have to tell you that it is quite comforting to know that David, the man after God’s own heart, would feel such sorrow as I have felt. I’m not reveling in the fact that he felt such anguish; not at all, it’s that even in his anguish he never lost hope.

In Psalm 13:5, 6, we read of David’s faith. “But I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because you have rescued me. I will sing to the Lord because He has been so good to me.”

At the beginning of David’s prayer he keeps asking God “How long?” David was sharing his heart with his Friend, God. He knew he could be open and honest regarding his feelings. By the end of David’s prayer we see his faith. God did not answer his prayer right away. David was affirming he would continue to trust God no matter how long he would have to wait. He knew from past experience that God was listening; He will answer; He will rescue him; and that God’s unfailing love has always been just and good to him.

Dear Heavenly Father, when we feel like You are not listening, or impatient regarding Your response, may we hold fast to our faith and hope in Your unfailing love.

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9 thoughts on “How Long Will I Have To Wait?

  1. Debbie

    Michele, I often become impatient as I long for an answer to my prayers in my time frame. But God has His perfect timing and I’m learning that. I needed this reminder though so I thank you.

    Blessings and love,

  2. LindaLinda

    The waiting is never easy. I like to remember, that while I think the Lord is not doing anything at all, He is working all things together for my good.
    Thank you for this encouraging reminder Michele.

  3. LaurieLAURIE

    Michele, Great Word today…waiting is never easy but yet Gods plan and purpose is always better than ours. I am so glad that He has my tomorrow in His hands! – appreciate your heart!

  4. Bethany

    Hi Michele,

    I was getting my article ready to submit and reading some of this week’s articles that I haven’t read yet and read yours. It is very similar to what I am sharing tomorrow and what God has been putting on my heart. God bless you!