A Whispering Campaign


“When the spotlight shines brightly on some pastor, author, or Christian speaker, you can be sure that a whispering campaign against him or her is already in the works.” – Robert Jeffress in Clutter-Free Christianity

Anyone who has ever been in the public eye has experienced words against them. There could be whispering words such as:

“Have you heard about their kids?”
“Her teaching is not biblically based.”
“I don’t like that color on her today.”

Some times criticism is justified, but in most cases it is not. These comments are rooted in an ugly word called envy.

I have been on both sides.

Desiring others spiritual gifts is one of the many ways Satan slips under our radar. When we are criticizing another, most often we are craving what that other person possesses. When we criticize someone what is the real reason we desire to put that person down? Unfortunately my sinful nature has fallen in this trap in the past. I have seen gifts others had that I desired or knowledge they possess that I wish I had.

I have also experienced the other side of envy. Let me tell you Satan is down right sneaky in this area. Majority of Christian leaders, pastors, or Christian speakers know that spiritual warfare is very real. We put on the amour and let God fight our battles, while staying true to God’s will for our lives. But somehow Satan finds cracks in our amour and exposes a weakness. I have had others attack me and it comes from unexpected places. Honestly it ticks-me-off when I am blindsided by Satan, but on the other hand God is reminding me how much I need to rely on him daily.

Satisfaction and contentment in our own life is what allows us to be at peace with others. Being satisfied or content does not come naturally; it is something you need to work towards. Even Paul had to make the conscious decision to be content.

“…for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. Phil. 4:11

I am sure I will struggle with envy again in my lifetime; it is in my sinful nature. But I have learned the secret of contentment—being thankful for what God has already provided and knowing he will provide for my future. Now that is what Paul would say is the perfect prescription for keeping envy at bay.

13 thoughts on “A Whispering Campaign

  1. eph2810

    Oh, envy…I have heard so many unwarranted comments about others, especially pastors that are willing to step out of their congregations to share with the ‘world’…or even friends that have stepped out to share His word with others. It saddens me to no end.
    Thank you for sharing from the heart…may I always lift up my fellow journeyers. And if I have a problem with what they are saying may I speak in love to them directly, in private and not rip them apart in public.

  2. debbie

    This is a really good post and of course so true and thought provoking. Envy is SUCH an ugly emotion. For everyone involved…those who envy, and for those who are being envied. My daughter is an ezceptionally pretty woman. Her ENTIRE life she dealt with such ugliness at times from those who envied her this it was really unbelievable. There was a young girl once who sent her annoymous hate e-mail threatening her etc. It terrified my daughter and our whole family. She was discovered and believe it or not she was a girl my daughter had befriended who really didn’t have any other friends. Soo sad. This story had a good ending in that the girl ended up in cousiling and getting saved etc. But it was soo scary at the time. My daughter spent a few nights sleeping on the floor in our bedroom she was soo frightened. She was about 15. Yes, envy is a VERY ugly emotion. How it must saddened the Lord to see his children envy the gifts and blesses others have. Thanks for sharing this. Debbie

  3. Melissa in Mel's World

    WOW, you have hit this one right on the mark. I’ve been in ministry for 10 years and am married to a Pastor. There are so many times when I see it, hear it, and feel it…the whispers, the words, the thoughts, and yes have even battled with those very same things myself. Thankfully God is continuing to show me how HE made me just as I am and to truly be grateful for the works He is doing in and through my life/ministry. Thank you for the GREAT WORD today!

  4. LynnLynn

    Wow Lori,

    This is an excellent post and find applicable to me too. Thank you for writing from your heart as you always do. I will think upon this all day long. Love you girl. Lynn

  5. Sharon Ball

    I know this is something I struggle with. I used to be a terrible gossip until the Lord convicted me and dealt with my heart. Now I no longer stronger with gossip, but I have a hard time with envy. My weakness is especially acute when a writer friend lands a book deal and signs a publishing contract. But God is good and He’s teaching me to confess my envy, give it to Him, and celebrate with my friends. I’m so thankful He never gives up on me.

  6. Warren Baldwin

    I’ve been on either side of a whispering campaign. One was sinful, the other painful. A convert to Christianity asked me one time, “How come you Christians talk to each other about what you don’t like about someone else rather than going straight to that person? Before I became a Christian if I had a problem with someone I went right to them and told them to their face. Now that I’m in the church it seems I’m supposed to talk about them, not to them.”


    Good post.

  7. vicki

    Thanks for addressing this, Lori. We don’t even have to be in the public eye to experience this:-) If we’d only take our whisperings to Him, instead of each other. I particularly appreciated what you said here: “…but on the other hand, God is reminding me how much I need to rely on him daily.” Amen! In Him, we have contentment. Love you.

  8. Bernadine

    “Being satisfied or content does not come naturally; it is something you need to work towards.”

    Very thought provoking post Lori. Thanks for sharing

  9. Debbie

    I know the Lord is teaching me this lesson right now in my circumstances. The secret of contentment is to rest in Him. My flesh struggles on this side of eternity but praise Jesus. When I choose to abide in Him, He provides what I need and when I need it.

    Great post Lori.


  10. bp

    This is a great post and goes along so well with the topic of Marsha’s “Pursuing Love” posts this week. You’re right, being satisfied and content doesn’t come naturally to any of us. It is something we all need to work on I think.