Are you making changes in 2011?

Hello to the first Monday of 2011! Everyone has been talking about their goals, plans, and resolutions. I find it interesting to read the goals that others make. A new year is a way to make a fresh start on areas you want to improve in your life and make some changes. This may be your physical body, relationships, finances, or spiritual life. As we close one year and turn the calendar to a new one, there is just something about January 1 that feels like we’ve been handed a clean slate. For some reason it feels easier to make changes on January 1 than on May 3 and so many of us do just that.

We are already to day three of our new year. What do you hope to change in 2011? Most of us will see many changes in our lives by the end of this year….maybe some lost pounds, the birth of a new family member, a bad habit broken, or a restored relationship. 

While many of us are looking today at things we would like to change, we need to remember that God does not change and will not change. No matter what happens in 2011, and if we succeed at the changes we hope to achieve by the time December 31 arrives or not, God will not change.

Think for a moment about some of the characteristics of God.
He is love. I John 4:8
He is faithful. Psalm 89:8
He is gracious and compassionate. Joel 2:12-14
He is the same. Hebrews 13:8

Aren’t you thankful for this? In a world where we can try so hard to change and the things around us change at a rapid pace (maybe faster than we would really like), God does not change. I hope this encourages you as you begin 2011.

Have a day of blessings!

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3 thoughts on “Are you making changes in 2011?

  1. Iris

    I am very grateful that God does not change. He truly is the only constant in my life.

    Happy New Year, Bethany.

  2. Karen

    Yes! I am thankful that God doesn’t change. All of the things you mentioned in your second paragraph are on my list for this year, and whether they happen or not, He is with me, loving me no matter what. Thanks for your visit, bp. blessings on your year!