The Master Designer

I have been knitting ever since I was a little girl. My first attempts resulted in less than perfect projects – filled with holes where I dropped stitches and lumps where I made mistakes. In spite of that, I loved knitting and kept working at it until I eventually learned to make nice even stitches. In time I learned how to follow a pattern using different stitches. The finished products were much more rewarding!

However, there is one thing I have never done in all these years of working needles through yarn and that is to design a pattern of my own. I have great admiration for the ones who do it. I simply read the directions and do what they tell me to do.

Many times I’ve read through the instructions and sat in bewilderment trying to puzzle out just how those particular stitches would end up looking like the picture. However, I’ve learned to just take it one step at a time – one line after another – and in time the pattern begins to appear. All of that knitting and purling, knitting together,  passing stitches over and using stitch holders finally comes together. If I’ve followed all the instructions carefully, the end result is delightful.

As I was knitting this particular baby blanket I thought of the verses in Psalm 139, the ones that say:

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous – how well I know it.” (verses 13 and 14)

I thought of a Father tenderly knitting my life together according to His plan. He is the Master Designer; the One who wrote the story of my life before I ever drew a single breath.  He laid out every single day of my life (Ps. 139:16).  He knits with purpose and with great love. He never drops a stitch or makes a mistake. He has fashioned a one-of-a-kind design for each one of us, and the end result will be delightful.

I may look, at times, with questions about His knitting – not seeing how it could all possibly work out. But He is wise beyond my knowing, and every stitch, every circumstance, has purpose. Even when it looks like it has all gone wrong; even when I have grabbed the needles out of His hands and made a mess of things, He works it all together for good.

We can trust our lives to the Master Knitter. He does all things well.





2 thoughts on “The Master Designer

  1. Iris

    Oh, how often have I taking the needles out of our Fathers heavenly hands. I thought I knew better! Thankfully He knows how to fix things; sometimes He has to unravel me to fix it, but I am okay with that 🙂