Move Out of the Way!

WELCOME to Charlotte of MYFATHERSGIRL blog. Charlotte is our guest writer today, please take time to visit her over at her personal blog.

(1Kings 19: 11-12)

The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by,”  Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.

Driving back from bible study, I noticed in my rear view mirror a police car following behind me with flashing lights. A few thoughts spun through my head and then settled into this one – “pull over!”

No doubt my driving got worse just because of the guilt I felt being tailed by a highway patrol. The mirror showed frustration in the officer’s face, but not his eyes through the dark sunglasses. It took a while to find a safe place to pull over on the winding road, but eventually I did. Knowing he hadn’t been impressed by my driving ability, I attempted to impress him with my parking and chose a spot where he could park out of the way of traffic.

After all my thoughtfulness, when I turned around – He was gone! Looking back to the road ahead, I barely caught a glimpse of him rounding the next turn and disappearing from sight, leaving me there thinking about how silly I had been.

I totally misinterpreted the whole situation.

 The officer was after someone else, not me. I was driving along minding my own business and got in his way. The frustration on his face was probably him biting his lip to keep from yelling, “Hey lady, get out of my way!” stuck behind my four-cylinder minivan.

There are times when that very same thing happens with me and God. Often I misinterpret what He is doing in other people’s lives, especially my children’s, and I get in His way. I take on unnecessary guilt, or start the “thoughtful” plans of handling the situation with the least amount of harm to others as possible. I wonder how many times He has wanted to pick me up and move me. How many times has His Holy Spirit whispered into my heart, “move out of the way?”

Those times when it’s not about me, but about someone else, I need to move over and let God pass. Let Him do His work in that person’s life without getting in His way.

I thought it might be nice if God had lights to flash at me or maybe a siren, that way I would know to pull over, but then I remembered 1Kings 19:11-12. He didn’t choose to speak to Elijah in the light of a fire, or the sound of a powerful wind, He spoke in a gentle whisper. I am sure that is how God prefers to speak to his children – to me. He chooses this way because it requires us to be quiet and listen; to be still and know that He is God. Today He did use the lights of a police car to get my attention and teach me a lesson. I hope I learned it.

I’m going to do my best to mind my own business, watch my own speed, and keep my eyes on the road ahead of me and not the road ahead of someone else. Hopefully, God won’t have to keep patiently speaking into my life, “get out of the way!”

And when it is me He is after…well, that is another story!

9 thoughts on “Move Out of the Way!

  1. Iris

    Ha – that could be me — getting in His way all the time, I mean. You are right, sometimes we need to just get out of the way and pray, instead of stepping in.

    Thank you Charlotte for sharing your wisdom with us here at Laced with Grace.

  2. Melanie

    I can relate to this on so many levels, Charlotte! First, I had almost the same experience a couple of weeks ago. I pulled over only to have the police officer nicely tell me he was trying to pull over the car behind me and I could go on my way.

    But, also, I do mis-interpret God’s direction and get in His way so often! Oh, how I want to grow in this area!

    Thanks for such a great message today!

  3. Sylvia

    Charlotte, Right on! I was taught that lesson at a marriage conference once. I kept wanting to be the Holy Spirit in my spouse’s life – (and at times, the Holy Spirit in my children’s lives as well) – and the Lord was telling me to “stop, and duck”… ~ You see, the Lord wanted to hit him – (them!) – with His lightning bolt, and I kept getting in the Lord’s way! :/ May we all remember to “Move Out of the Way”, and “to stop and duck”. Thanks!

  4. JoanJoan

    What a good reminder! It is so easy to get in His way but not always easy to remember to get out of it! How many times have I hindererd what the Lord wanted to do in my life or in someone else’s because I had a “plan”? “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.” Isaiah 55:8 I need to remember to trust Him as His ways are so much better than our own!

  5. Karen

    I so needed to read this…this part hit me like a ton of bricks…

    “Often I misinterpret what He is doing in other people’s lives, especially my children’s, and I get in His way. I take on unnecessary guilt, or start the “thoughtful” plans of handling the situation with the least amount of harm to others as possible. I wonder how many times He has wanted to pick me up and move me. How many times has His Holy Spirit whispered into my heart, “move out of the way?”

    You have described this so well…thanks for blessing me!

  6. Joanne

    Great devotion Charlotte. Thanks for blessing me again with the words He has given you.

    Keep sharing them!

    Hugs, Joanne

  7. Chris Pedersen

    I felt like deja vu reading this. Getting that flushed feeling as I look in the rear view mirror and see the flashing lights. Knowing full well that I was guilty. But once I pull over, the police car passes in a rush to another offender. Great object lesson.

  8. Marsha

    I can so relate to this! How many times do I get in the way of what He’s trying to do.

    Thanks, Charlotte for a great devo.
